
Oklahoma Farm Life

Monday, August 18, 2014

Cooking these days....Plus Fun & Easy Chicken Taco Recipe

Sooo as yall can tell- I have been doing more reading and watching movies than anything....

Reason for that is that I pulled my back out again...so I was down most of last month and most of this month....

Anyhow.... I was not able to Cook, Garden and etc...not going to lie it was kinda depressing and lonely but my little kiddo and Hubby were what kept me going...and a lot of physical therapy!

I am sooooooooo HAPPY to be back and up doing much better!!

Last week I was able to Grill sooo Excited!!! lol

Chicken Breast, onions , tomatoes / All in that order !
1 after the other...stove top w/ a bit of oil in a pan...

Halved my Garden Tomatoes and tossed with S&P !! 

After it all was cooked-up I tossed it in a glass bowl & covered it with foil to stay warm.... 

I lowered the heat on the stove top and popped the tortillas (corn,flour,wheat-whatever you want..i used flour ) in the same pan to heat them thru nicely with a little flavor! As Mrs. Carla Hall from 1 of my fav. Cooking shows says .." there is flavor in the brown." LOL Love her...(off topic again....I am totally random...I know..lol)

When those where done I tossed them on a piece of foil and paper towel (1 on top of another)

added some cheese and the chicken, onion, tomato mix on............squish a lime or lemon if you want and a little cilantro or sour cream (whatever you want or got) don't stress about it....

They are supposed to be Easy at home....

My finished Grilled Chicken Tacos! Happiness!!! Love these!!! :)

Maybe tomorrow can be #TacoTuesday!! :)

All you need is :

Chicken Breast

And any extra toppings like sour cream, cheese and etc...

Happy Cooking !!! :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Severed Souls by: Terry Goodkind pt.2 (spoiler alert)

Spoiler Alert!!!!

I finally finished the Book! In many ways I wish I had not!
Not going to lie - I cried a lot reading this Book!

When Zedd was cut down I about lost it!!!! I was on my way to physical therapy and all I wanted to do was cry ! Lossing Zedd was Hard!! And sooo sad!!!!
I wondered for the longest time WHO did it>>????

I did suspect Irena (Samantha's mom) but it did not seem to be her since Richard had seen her sleeping by Sam......ugh and just like that be-headed....

RIP Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander you will be Greatly missed!!!!
1 of my Fav. characters in the Terry Goodkind Books!

Red was a pretty neat witch woman! Hunter was a neat addition 2!!

However I don't think anything could prepare me for when Richard learned that Irena was the traitor among them all! When he saw the Journey Book fall out of her dress that was for sure a BIG Changing point!!! I was shocked to see that she had the twin Journey Book to Dreier!!!!Took them to the citadel where there was NO Containment field !!!!
That she killed her own sisters, and their husbands! She killed her own Husband and offered her own daughter to Dreier as well was AWFUL!!!!!

Felt soo bad for Samantha and Richard -well 4 all of them!!! They helped her and in turn she betrayed them over and over again!!!!  They should have never trusted her! However, how do you not trust someone that has never given you reason to distrust them>!?! 

Sadly I do believe this sort of betrayal happens way to much in our everyday lives....not maybe to this extent  -but I can understand thinking someone is your friend one min and then the next they are physically or mentally hurting you!!

One of the worse feelings in the World!

I could not blame Richard one bit for the way he reacted to reading everything in the Journey Book - and all that Irena had done! The "worse" was that she had be-headed his Grandfather Zedd!! Murder!!! I was wanting my turn at her 2! I did not blame him for beating her against that wall over and over again!!

Yet when Samantha walking in on it and sees her mother dead on the floor....being her age and seeing her mother dead did not help with all her emotions and I was but wasn't surprised that she stabbed and killed Kahlan! I was in shock but yet - had to remember that Red the witch woman had warned Kahlan that this would happen.......

No matter how much warning you have you are Never ready for the ones you Love to die!

I was in shock for a bit! Sooo sad! But appartley only one could live....
either Richard or Kahlan ...

Richard did not want Kahlan to die so he went to save her since he was dying anyways ....

I cried the whole time like a baby in bed....I try to not imagine my life with out my husband!
Yet I would feel the same if I was Richard, I would have tried to save my love as well!

But to wake as Kahlan would be the hard as well! To Lose my Love w/ hardly spent much time together like Cara as well! It  would be hard to live on! Atleast she has Nicci still alive and I really hope we get to hear more about Cara and how she is doing or what she is doing...

I assume still killing.....

When Richard Dies and yet they keep tryin to find ways to bring him back was heartbreaking!!!
I still cannot believe that Richard is Gone!!!!


1 of the Hardest Books I have Read due to first Zedd dying then Richard!!!



Atleast Dreier and Irena is Dead! But what about Samantha- who tried to kill Kahlan and ran off?!

What about Hannias Arc and Emperor Sulachan? 

I think there is still a lot more to come from Terry Goodkind!

I know when reading all this I am rather random and etc...but this is nothing fancy about my writing it just me writing in my journal about Books I Love! Mind all my grammar mistakes and etc!! :)


I Cant ever get Enuff!!!!
I Love everything about the way he writes and how he can make me cry non-stop !
 Yet uplifting at the same time!!!!

For more TerryGoodkind please go to : http://www.terrygoodkind.com/index-full.shtml

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Community Tv Show Lives On!!!!

I am sooo excited that Yahoo & Hulu..? I believe have picked up COMMUNITY for another season!!!
Six Seasons and Movie!!! I Love Community so much!

Had to get a copy of Community Season 5 that came out Aug.5th!!!!


Very Happy Selfie!!! :)

Cannot wait to see what Season 6 has in store??!!!!

More on the Ass Crack- Bandit???? ANOTHER GI JOE Episode?!!!! I love that Episode! :)

Will Troy come back soon???

Abed and Annie should get together!! :)

Anyways- Community Lives on and that's all that matters!!! :)

Who is your fav. Community Character ???

Not sure I could pick 1!!! Ugh, maybe Annie? :)

Happy Tuesday Yall !! :)

Severed Souls by: Terry Goodkind pt. 1


Love this Quote!


No, I have not finished Reading the Book Severed Souls!!

Half -way in.. I am on Chapter 38 and I cannot get enuff!!! I am trying not to hurry thru the Book- taking it nice and slow!

I hope you have gotten your copy as well! :) The Half-Dead seem to get scarier the more you get into it...ok no more for now....I will write more once im done....back to reading!


A room without books is like a body without a soul - Cicero

Another quick quote! :)

Happy Reading!!! Happy Tuesday!! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Queen Nefertiti Documentary

Watched the Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty National Geographic Documentary  about 6 times now and I cannot get enuff! A must Seee! Netflix has it! oldie but a goodie!

Crazy how they have found almost everyone but Nefertiti???!

King Tut's Dad, his Mom and even his grandmother on his Dad's side....then again why would he have wanted to find Nefertiti if she was not his mother plus what if King Tut thought that Nefertiti was behind his mothers murder? You think she did???? interesting for sure!

 If they did not know where she was back then...how will we find her now?? some say she is in Thebes ,Egypt .....I So would not mind taking a peek down there....this has peeked my interest almost as much as those poor boys lost in the tower of London.

I hate Mysteries, they need to be solved! lol!!! :)

Before I die I must go to the Valley of the Kings! lol....and Ciaro and....anyways it just seems to me that there is still lots of digging left to do....bummer so many thieves make it there before everyone else...

Love Mummies and how the mummification process works...

The Best Digging is in y0ur our back yard...lol never know what you will find........my research will never end....its exciting to learn and read new things! Happy Reading!

The Third Kingdom by: Terry GoodKind - Book Review


LOVE LOVE LOVED   The Third Kingdom by Terry GoodKind !!! It was sooo Good filled with the twist and turns we Love so much! A Must READ 4 Sure!!

I did plan to be done with the book a lot sooner but things have been a bit hecktic of late....

CraZy that Hannis Arc rose up Sulachin aka the Spirit King!!

When Richard went thru the Green Veil that was Awesome! Bummer he did not figure it out earlier.....then again I don't think I have been any better! Lol...

Soo cool though that Samatha found her mom!!!

But -  Soooo Sad when the Shun-tuk killed Ben (Cara's New Husband!!!) nOt going to Lied I cried like a baby! I could not believe it!!!

Richard and Cara did have there Revenge on a ton of Shun-tuk and Half Dead! That would not be a fun way to die....

kinda like Walking Dead -Zombies etc.... which I kinda Love! Still scary...

I Loved how we follow Kahlan on her adventure while learning about Lidwig Dreier and all the sick stuff he does! He is INSANE!!! Poor People that really have had to endure that type of torture!!! I hope to be half as brave as Kahlan!! She was Amazing like Always!! Love her!! Cannot get enuff of her!!! She Amazes me so much!!! Such an inspiring Woman!

(BTW - Love the Actress Bridget Regan as Kahlan in The Legend of the Seeker...I will write about that 1day 2!!! )

How did you like learning about the "New" Mord -sith VIKA , Erika and Dora?!!

The Half dead and the Shun-tuk were scary!!

Crazy how Dora Died!!! Insane!!!

Love what Cara says.... "They may have been trying to take his soul, but they in fact stole mine. "

Such a  Heartbreaking moment. I cried again- to loose someone is one of the Hardest thing people have to go thru in life.

Sadly some have to deal with loss after loss and it can be really tough to go thru.

( I Lost my Dad when I was 15 to Kidney Failure then 3 classmates at age 17 , then my grandmother to Cancer when I was 18 ...Death is Hard that all im tryin to say.... it can be a lot to handle for people at times. Cant imagine loosing my Hub!   )

When Lord Rahl says "Cara, please let me hold you for a minute before I let you go?"   (tears)

She at last smiled as she returned and slipped her arms around him, and he around her, as she laid her head against his chest. He tenderly put his hand to the back of her head and held her, wishing there were words, but there were none. 

Loved those words. Sadly there are no words of comfort for people in this sort of grief... it is a long progress of healing.

For her "I need to do some killing" - I could not blame her for wanting to go after some more Shun-tuk! With her Shun-tuk stone knife in hand.....they should be worried with her coming for them..

I really hope she is in the New Book Out TODAY - Severed Souls!!! I have my book on hold at a semi-near Book Store ....Now I just have to drive myself up there and pick it up ASAP!! LOL!

For Terry Goodkind info please go to his website - http://www.terrygoodkind.com/

Anyhow,......... I hope yall Have a Great Tuesday! Happy Reading!!!

Cannot wait to talk Severed Souls Next time!!! :)