Hello Again,
Lately I have been Cooking a Baking so much!
With the Holidays upon us, their will be even more to time in the Kitchen!
I am kinda excited but not ready for all the mess and dishes...ugh that is the worst part right? lol
Here recently I made a few pies....I LOVE PIE!!! YUM!!!
Made a really yummy Cherry Pie a while back...
Got Cherry Pie in a Jar from a local Oklahoma Vendor .
It really made for a really Great Pie!
Picture of the Pie all done!
Do you like Cherry Pie? What is your favorite kind of Pie?
I also made a New Fav.
Chocolate Pecan Pie because it is finally that time of year.
filled pie...yum..
time to eat it!
You have to have Whip Cream on it too..I don't have recipes or these because I got both from a Jar. First time for everything. Never know until ya try it!
I will share my Chicken Pot Pie Recipe with yall next time..
Until Later , hope yall have a Good rest of your Weekend.
Hello, I Love to Write about Gardening,Movies,Crafting, Food and Books! This is my Oklahoma Life!
Oklahoma Farm Life
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Hello Yall ,
Wow, how time flys!!!!
I'm exhausted! Since my kido started school life has been sooo busy and crazy!
I have been helping at the school a lot as well.
Homeroom mom means I will be doing the class Christmas party this year....ekk
I don't think I am ready for this yet...but oh well...I will give it a whirl.
How have yall been?
Life can really get soo hectic!
So Sorry I have not written in sooooo long...
I will try to get better about it!
Now that I can't do as much outside...I should be able to do more writing.
Life is Good but im worn out and cannot seem to keep up..
With the Holidays just around the corner there is lots to do.....
Hope all is Going well with yall , I will write again soon!
Wow, how time flys!!!!
I'm exhausted! Since my kido started school life has been sooo busy and crazy!
I have been helping at the school a lot as well.
Homeroom mom means I will be doing the class Christmas party this year....ekk
I don't think I am ready for this yet...but oh well...I will give it a whirl.
How have yall been?
Life can really get soo hectic!
So Sorry I have not written in sooooo long...
I will try to get better about it!
Now that I can't do as much outside...I should be able to do more writing.
Life is Good but im worn out and cannot seem to keep up..
With the Holidays just around the corner there is lots to do.....
Hope all is Going well with yall , I will write again soon!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Summertime Gardening & Food
Hello Friends,
Wow, this Summer has really flown by!
Who else is not ready for Summer to end?
Lol- right now I would not mind the temp lowering a bit, but....
im not ready at all for my kido to start school this year...
ugh- School board meetings and etc...
Anyways.....enuff of that for now..
Right now , I will be honest with yall...my Garden has gotten very overgrown with weeds and etc..
I have not had the energy and time as much as I would have liked this summer...
However, that the way it goes sometimes.....
I am thankful to have my Greenhouse.
In there I have a lot more going on-
Lots of Radishes and Oregano right now.
Plus: Tomato , Watermelon , Roses , Peppers , Sweet Basil , Thyme , Sage - Plants
I have been making Bruschetta Non-stop
My Husband has had enuff but I could eat a lot more of it. LOL
Lots of Bread , Garlic , Tomatoes and Basil--- YUM!!!!! Love it!
I have also been using my Thyme as mush as possible.
Baked some Tilapia with Thyme , Garlic and Lemon . Slow Bake at 350* for 30-45 mins
Best Fish ever - Flaky and perfect for Fish Tacos!
I am lucky enuff to be given a Cast Iron Tortilla press as a gift last Christmas!
So I put it to good use- making over a dozen Corn Tortillas.
The Fish , Fresh Tortillas and some cilantro, tomatoes, and a Squirt of lemon & avocado to top and Dig in!!
I hope yall enjoy the rest of your Summer!
Wow, this Summer has really flown by!
Who else is not ready for Summer to end?
Lol- right now I would not mind the temp lowering a bit, but....
im not ready at all for my kido to start school this year...
ugh- School board meetings and etc...
Anyways.....enuff of that for now..
Right now , I will be honest with yall...my Garden has gotten very overgrown with weeds and etc..
I have not had the energy and time as much as I would have liked this summer...
However, that the way it goes sometimes.....
I am thankful to have my Greenhouse.
In there I have a lot more going on-
Lots of Radishes and Oregano right now.
Plus: Tomato , Watermelon , Roses , Peppers , Sweet Basil , Thyme , Sage - Plants
I have been making Bruschetta Non-stop
My Husband has had enuff but I could eat a lot more of it. LOL
Lots of Bread , Garlic , Tomatoes and Basil--- YUM!!!!! Love it!
I have also been using my Thyme as mush as possible.
Baked some Tilapia with Thyme , Garlic and Lemon . Slow Bake at 350* for 30-45 mins
Best Fish ever - Flaky and perfect for Fish Tacos!
I am lucky enuff to be given a Cast Iron Tortilla press as a gift last Christmas!
So I put it to good use- making over a dozen Corn Tortillas.
The Fish , Fresh Tortillas and some cilantro, tomatoes, and a Squirt of lemon & avocado to top and Dig in!!
I hope yall enjoy the rest of your Summer!
Summer time,
Monday, July 13, 2015
Summer Gardening / Zucchini Banana Bread Recipe
My Favorite Time of Year!
Its been a busy Gardening year.....
Sooo Happy to be able to Garden this Year! Getting a lot done...
This Year I planted the following:
Sweet Basil
Yellow Squash
Collard greens
I am so thankful to get so much produce!
Its been a lot of work!
We did get a lot of Zucchini this year so of course I had to make a lot of Zucchini Banana Bread!!!
Best Bread Ever!!! I found this Recipe about a year ago and my whole family loves it!
Easy to make too!
Here is the Link to the Amazing Recipe!
here is my Loaf of Bread! :)
It is sooooo Yuuuuummmy !!! it is a Must Try!!! :)
Happy Baking! :)
Its been a busy Gardening year.....
Sooo Happy to be able to Garden this Year! Getting a lot done...
This Year I planted the following:
Sweet Basil
Yellow Squash
Collard greens
I am so thankful to get so much produce!
Its been a lot of work!
We did get a lot of Zucchini this year so of course I had to make a lot of Zucchini Banana Bread!!!
Best Bread Ever!!! I found this Recipe about a year ago and my whole family loves it!
Easy to make too!
Here is the Link to the Amazing Recipe!
here is my Loaf of Bread! :)
It is sooooo Yuuuuummmy !!! it is a Must Try!!! :)
Happy Baking! :)
Summer Fruit Cobbler Baking & Recipe
Hello Folks ,
Life has really be hectic lately........
Lots of Cooking, Baking away all Summer looooong ..
Thanks, to all my yummy Produce from the Garden & Greenhouse.
I hope yall have had a bountiful Harvest as well.
Right now we have a lot of peppers and tomatoes in the Garden & Greenhouse.
I really need to make some Salsa...lol
maybe sometime soon....
Lately I have been making Cobblers...
a Peach Cobbler with Peaches from our little Peach Orchard.
Peaches from Orchard
Peach Cobbler
And a Blackberry Cobbler from the wild bushes out back of our place, for the 4th of July Family Party.
I am soo glad they both turned out well!!!
They were soo Yummy!
Here I will share the Recipe with yall!
Not my own Recipe- I found this Recipe a few years ago and you can use
Any kind of Fruit - fresh or from a can.
Its Super Easy too!
Fruit Cobbler -
4- cups of fruit
1 1/2 cups of Self rising flour
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
1 stick oF Butter
In a 9*13inch dish pour melted butter.
Mix flour , milk, and sugar to make smooth batter.
Pour batter over melted butter. Put fruit on top , syrup and all.
Bake in a 350 degree oven or 40-45 mins.
Let set or 10mins before digging in...
Serves about 10.
Well Good Luck I hope all your Cobblers Come out Yummy!!!
Happy Monday!! Happy Baking!
Life has really be hectic lately........
Lots of Cooking, Baking away all Summer looooong ..
Thanks, to all my yummy Produce from the Garden & Greenhouse.
I hope yall have had a bountiful Harvest as well.
Right now we have a lot of peppers and tomatoes in the Garden & Greenhouse.
I really need to make some Salsa...lol
maybe sometime soon....
Lately I have been making Cobblers...
a Peach Cobbler with Peaches from our little Peach Orchard.
Peaches from Orchard
Peach Cobbler
And a Blackberry Cobbler from the wild bushes out back of our place, for the 4th of July Family Party.
I am soo glad they both turned out well!!!
They were soo Yummy!
Here I will share the Recipe with yall!
Not my own Recipe- I found this Recipe a few years ago and you can use
Any kind of Fruit - fresh or from a can.
Its Super Easy too!
Fruit Cobbler -
4- cups of fruit
1 1/2 cups of Self rising flour
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
1 stick oF Butter
In a 9*13inch dish pour melted butter.
Mix flour , milk, and sugar to make smooth batter.
Pour batter over melted butter. Put fruit on top , syrup and all.
Bake in a 350 degree oven or 40-45 mins.
Let set or 10mins before digging in...
Serves about 10.
Well Good Luck I hope all your Cobblers Come out Yummy!!!
Happy Monday!! Happy Baking!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tortilla LOVE & Recipe
Hello Again,
I am trying to keep up with my blog these days - we shall see how that goes...
Life has been so busy .....with try to keep up with all the watering in the greenhouse
Plus- Cooking and Baking like Crazy and Spring Cleaning....ugh all keeping me busy....
Im exhausted these days....
Anyhow...I have really been cooking up a ton of Tortillas ... I try to make them on a regular basis -but life gets in the way...
Plus I want the recipe to stay fresh in my head .
Here is the recipe I use for Fresh Flour Tortillas:
2 cups flour
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄4 cup vegetable shortening or 1⁄4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon baking powder
1⁄2 cup warm water (may possibly need to add more, up to 3/4 cup) or 1⁄2 cup milk (may possibly need to add more, up to 3/4 cup)
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄4 cup vegetable shortening or 1⁄4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon baking powder
1⁄2 cup warm water (may possibly need to add more, up to 3/4 cup) or 1⁄2 cup milk (may possibly need to add more, up to 3/4 cup)
Mixed the flour , salt , baking powder first then mix in the vegetable shortening - then the water... You get this ball or Tortilla dough
I roll little balls with my fingers that look like this #Tortillas
They look like this right before I start rolling them out..
First couple of rolls of the Tortilla
Tortilla all rolled out and ready for the hot pan
Tortilla bubbling in the hot pan
Almost ready to eat! #yum
Almost ready to eat! #yum
All the Tortilla go in this nice basket to stay warm
My favorite Mexican basket full of freshly made warm Tortilla
Now time to dig in ...Yummy
Now time to dig in ...Yummy
The First Cilantro leaves picked from my Cilantro plant were perfect or a taco.
Cilantro fixes perfectly in my Taco of Machacado
Aka Shredded beef made with eggs, onions, tomatoes
Yumminess for sure Mexican food at its best.
Aka Shredded beef made with eggs, onions, tomatoes
Yumminess for sure Mexican food at its best.
I hope this helps you make some delicious Tortillas and Tacos!
Happy Cooking!
Monday, March 23, 2015
Signs of Spring
Lots of Signs of Spring are popping up these Days.
Our Peach Trees are Blooming and that is one of favorite part of Spring time...
Here are a couple of pictures or our Peach Trees:
Here are some pics of the Peach Trees im working on in the Greenhouse these days.
My Husband has been hard at work with the tiller getting my Garden ready!
He build this Big Raised Garden Box so that I wont hurt my back so much this year....
im soo Thankful!!
And some wonderful Garden Beds to work in as well...im Ready!
Im soooo excited for Gardening this Spring and Summer.
Happy Gardening Yall!!!
Spring is Here!!!
Hello Again and Hello Spring!!!!
I am sooo excited that Spring time is Finally here!!!
I have been very busy lately trying to get my seeds planted and ready for the Garden..
The Greenhouse has really been helpful lately- thanks to my husband.
I am so Thankful for my Greenhouse! It has really helped my seeds get the head start that they need.
So lately I have been working away in the Greenhouse while listening to lots of Terry Goodkind audiobooks...
Lots of my plants are just a few days away from being ready for the outdoor Garden!
As much Fun as the Greenhouse is...Im soooo ready to be outside in the Garden !
Lots of Seeds have been sprouting up!!!
The Following is what I have so far.....
Lots of
Spinach , Tomatoes
& Radishes
Also some Yellow & Green Squash
Green Beans
Broccoli - https://instagram.com/p/0i_1MjmoEi/?taken-by=evamdesigns
And some Sweet Corn - https://instagram.com/p/0i_hgtGoEA/?taken-by=evamdesigns
I hope your Plants are doing well....right now im fighting hungry critters trying to eat my tasty spinach leaves....ugh
Anyhow Good Luck with your Garden and plants!
Happy Spring & Happy Gardening !
I am sooo excited that Spring time is Finally here!!!
I have been very busy lately trying to get my seeds planted and ready for the Garden..
The Greenhouse has really been helpful lately- thanks to my husband.
I am so Thankful for my Greenhouse! It has really helped my seeds get the head start that they need.
So lately I have been working away in the Greenhouse while listening to lots of Terry Goodkind audiobooks...
Lots of my plants are just a few days away from being ready for the outdoor Garden!
As much Fun as the Greenhouse is...Im soooo ready to be outside in the Garden !
Lots of Seeds have been sprouting up!!!
The Following is what I have so far.....
Lots of
Spinach , Tomatoes
& Radishes
Also some Yellow & Green Squash
Green Beans
Broccoli - https://instagram.com/p/0i_1MjmoEi/?taken-by=evamdesigns
And some Sweet Corn - https://instagram.com/p/0i_hgtGoEA/?taken-by=evamdesigns
I hope your Plants are doing well....right now im fighting hungry critters trying to eat my tasty spinach leaves....ugh
Anyhow Good Luck with your Garden and plants!
Happy Spring & Happy Gardening !
Terry Goodkind
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Agent Carter
I am a Big Agent Carter Fan!!!!
I am Loving it sooo much! It is soooo Good!
Agent Peggy Carter her self is Amazing!!!
Strong Women on this show!!
Dottie is also Amazing !!
Dottie is also played by Bridget Regan who was Kahlan Amell on Legend of the Seeker!
Love her!!!
Agent Carter is Great! She is one tough Lady!
I wish her and Captain America would have been able to have a nice life together!
Love how she is working with Jarvis and Iron Mans Dad..
Not a big fan of her annoying co workers...then again that's why I have not watched Mad Men yet...
A new Agent Carter is on tonight ...I better run for now.
I hope yall have a Great Week!
~ E
Game of Thrones
Hello Again,
I am sorry I have been away so long... life has been busy like always..
hope yall are well....
Lately, I have been catching up on some Game of thrones!
I Love Game of Thrones - the Books are Great!
I have not read them all...they are sooo Big!
I am finally watching the rest of Season 4 ....and Season 5 will start soon on HBO!
Season 5 will premier on 4.12.15 !!
I'm soo excited ...Im Ready
Anyways, I really Love how raw they are on the GoT...
sad but I believe that was life back in those times...
Poor Hodor and Sansa......The Red Wedding was soo Sad!!
I Love Jon Snow and his story...the Night's Watch...
Daenerys Targaryen - Mother of Dragons is Amazing!
The Lannister Family is insane for sure!
Tryion is my Favorite Lannister ....no fair trial at all for him..
it really would have sucked being on trial back then...
Loved Tryion's ending speech!
I could go on and on ....lol
All for the Iron Throne.
I know I did not write much detail but I will try to later...
I will try to write more later....
Monday, January 19, 2015
I Love Downton Abbey!!!!
I just LOVE Downton Abbey!!!
I have always loved almost any British show & British History!
The British + PBS = Downton Abbey!!
I Love it!! Every episode is better than the next!!!
I don't even know where to begin...I hope you caught up ...
I will try not to give any spoilers....but be aware I might...
OOOOooooo first I want to start with Mary who had almost a whole week of scandalous Love making with a man in a hotel...lol
I hope it does not back fire since now that she "knows" she does not want to be with him now...or maybe she does? She is "confused"....
Poor Edith can never be happy or any sort or luck....with her baby daddy disappearing and now she is irritating the "mom" of her daughter...will she ever find happiness?
Barrow is Looking for a Job Now???
Anna Bates & Bates have more problems they have to deal with!
Snobby Spratt and the Dowager Countess now know what Lady Mary was really doing on her Love getaway...
So glad that Baxter is staying at Downton Abbey!
Simon Bricker is Loving his time w/ Lady Cora.....and now Lady Cora is mad at Earl Grantham.
What will happen with Mrs.Patmore the cook's problem... I feel for her.
Daisy should continue her classes....
Will Molesley & Baxter get together now?
Now there is Russian Prince Drama!! :)
Im excited of where Season 5 is going!!!
I could go on and on....I will write more about Downton Abbey later...
20 Days Til The Walking Dead Returns!!!!!
Hello Again Friends,
I just had to hop on here for a few to talk
I was really Late getting into The Walking Dead-
I Love so many shows it can be a bit hard at times to keep up with so many tv shows.
Anyways, AMC just had a Walking Dead Marathon that started on AMC on New Years Eve and my husband and I binged watched The Walking Dead !!
Best way to watch The Walking Dead if you ask me! ;)
I am slightly OBSSED! LOL
I was sooo bummed to watch Beth Die!!!!
Poor Maggie!!!
Since The Walking Dead will be back In 20 Days -
I am just dying to see what will happen next??!
Mine would be Michonne
or Maggie or maybe Daryl 2!!! lol
I really cannot make up my mind!
20 Days Til The Walking Dead!!!!!
Im Ready!!!
This is the week our Superhero's come Back!
Hello Friends,
This week is the Return of a couple of my Favorite Superhero's Return to TV!!!
I am sooo Ready!!!
1st Tomorrow The Flash Returns at 7pm on CW!!!!
I am soo looking forward to learning more of the Reverse Flash
and what Barry will do or who will he fight next!
I also wonder who his Love interest will be now....
Then Wednesday Arrow Returns at 7pm on the CW
So after seeing Arrow fall to his death on the last episode
So after seeing Arrow fall to his death on the last episode
I am beyond freaking ready to watch more!
Plus I am a BIG FAN of seeing Felicity and Oliver get together finally!
Since #Olicity is the Endgame! ;)
I Love #Olicity!
They are so meant for each other!!
Plus I am curious how Laurel will take on the title Black Canary!
I Loved the Original Black Canary!
So sad to see her die!
It was so strange to see that Thea killed her!
ugh - what a bummer....
Anyways , soooooo much to look forward 2!!!
Happy Tv Watching!!
Sunday, January 18, 2015
60 Days Til Spring!!!!
Howdy Friends,
I hope yall are doing well this Beautiful Sunday Afternoon!
Im doing well- Allergies are getting to me due to the Weather Change here in Oklahoma.
However, I have been tryin to keep busy and prepare for the Spring in the Greenhouse.
I am so looking forward to Spring / Summer!!
60 Days until Spring
Yes, im counting down! :)
Then Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day~ I hope the groundhog does not see its shadow!
I do have a few mums, little trees and some seedlings growing in the greenhouse..
I have also started to try to grow Avocado plants out of Avocado seeds..
All you have to do in get a seed from an Avocado and poke a couple of holes in it- on the sides w/toothpicks and place in a mason jar or clear cup with water...barely touching the water and
once it has a few leaves and some growth you can then move to a pot w/soil...
I hope you have better luck then I have....
Here are some Gardening/Outdoor Décor. Books I have been reading lately to prepare for this year.
1. Better Homes and Gardens - Inside Out - It has tons of ideas for making the outside just as beautiful as the inside of a home.
2. Garden Anywhere by : Fowler - a Wonderful Book I Love! It also tell you how to grow an Avocado plant and how to compost and etc.. I recommend you Read this one for sure!
3. Native American Gardening by: Wilson - Is a Great Read because it tells you how gardening was done back before we came along. Plus I Love History & Gardening .
Happy Gardening & Reading Yall!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Let's Talk Movies,TvShows and Enchiladas
Hello Everyone,
Lately, I have been catching up on all the Movies & TV Shows I have been dying to watch!
The Guardians of the Galaxy~
I LOVED The Guardians of the Galaxy!!!!
My favorite character was GROOT!!! I AM GROOT!!!
I Also watched TAMMY!!!!
W/The Amazing Melissa McCarthy!!!
That Movie made me Laugh sooooo Hard!!!
I Have not laughed that hard in soo looong! :)
I LOVE Melissa McCarthy!
She makes me LOL A lot!
One of my Favorite Tv Shows is MODERN FAMILY!!
I Love Modern Family!
It is always so funny and honest...
I have watched from the very beginning when it first came out..
but I have missed a few episodes here and there..so it was time to catch up...
I have a been watching Season1-4so far!
I am also catching up on the on Brooklyn 99 which I am really Loving!!!
Brooklyn is soo FUN , FUNNY AND Fresh!
I loved Adam Sandberg on SNL & now on Brooklyn99!!!!
Okay, if your interested here is the Enchilada Recipe & Cheese Sauce we ate for the Movies! ;)
I Love Enchiladas! One of my favorite foods!
Cheese Sauce :
Velveeta cheese
1lb of browned ground beef
1lb of browned ground sausage
2 cans of green chilies
2 cans of rotel chilies
All melted together in a crockpot
Cheesy Beef Enchilada Recipe :
Ingredients -
Cheese Sauce
Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Browned Ground Beef w/ diced onions and green chilies from a can.
Corn Tortillas
First I run the Corn tortillas thru a sizzling pan of oil...a bit greasy -yes
but trust me its the best way to soften your tortillas nicely ....
you can give them a little tap with a paper towel...
you dip sizzle the tortilla for a min and fill with a bit of the beef and cheese...
boom , boom ,boom
and roll in the pan and move on the the next tortilla until your pan is full...
When the pan is full of rolled up naked tortillas you then add the Cheese Sauce if you make it plus the rest of the Beef & Cheese to the Top!
Toss in the Oven for a min for the whole pan to melt the cheese nicely and Boom time to EAT!
YUM- I might have to make another pan- just talking about making them is making me hungry...lol
Good Luck! If you have questions feel free to ask! :)
I Hope Yall have a Good Thursday!
Modern Family,
The Guardians of the Galaxy,
Tv Shows
Monday, January 12, 2015
Happy New Year 2015!!
Hello Everyone,
So sorry I have not been on here in a while....
Life has been soo insane w/ Christmas and New Year and etc...
I hope Everyone had a Very Happy Holidays!
We did- I am so glad that it is all over though! ;)
Now for Valentines Day Next Month!
lol - I was never really Big on Valentines Day til I met my husband and had my daughter made it that much better! ;)
So now I kinda look forward to it all....
I will try to get on here more this year...
I hope Yall are all having a Great Year so Far! :)
I will try to get on here asap to add few Recipes people have asked for...
I made some Enchiladas recently that were soooo Goood....Im sooo Hungry I better go eat lunch ..
But I will be on here soon to type away some more! :)
Happy Monday Yall! :)
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