I Have really been Cooking away lately! Made some Super Cute Hello Kitty Cupcakes with my Kido!
* Hello Kitty CupCake set-
*Freshly Baked Cakes-
Since I have a ton of Chile's available plus a couple of tomatoes here and there I had to make a little salsa ! I just threw a few chilies , tomatoes , garlic in a pan til blackened, blistered then peel garlic and cut tops of peppers ...and into the blender they go...add salt pepper lime juice , fresh cilantro as you blend and your done! Add diced onions at the end and mix with a spoon! ENJOY! :)
the chilies
the salsa
TaCos I had to make to Go with the TaCos! ;)
I also have a lot of Zucchini right now - http://instagram.com/p/pwYhWOmoB9/?modal=true
so I decided to try out http://instagram.com/p/p19IJrGoAL/?modal=true
this Banana Zucchini Bread Recipe -
I got it from Pinterest - It really turned out AMAZING!!!!!! I did not add the cinnamon or nuts...
Bread was Hubby and Kid Approved!
Enjoy Cooking & Baking! And Eating! ;)
Hello, I Love to Write about Gardening,Movies,Crafting, Food and Books! This is my Oklahoma Life!
Oklahoma Farm Life
Monday, June 30, 2014
I LOVE FOOOD & Julia Child!!
I realllly Love Food , Cooking and Baking! Im not great :)
But- I am a everyday home cook.
My Hero and Inspiration is My Grandmother who passed when I was 18 & Julia Child!
My Grandma made Tortillas everyday ,every morning and also taught me to make them as well.
(might need to make a tortillas tutorial)
Anyhow...I Really Love Julia Child & the Movie Julie & Julia !!
Sooo as I was watching the Movie the other day I was inspired to make the is awesome appetizer ~
A Mix of Garden Tomatoes , salt ,pepper and basil
on toasted French bread loaf with olive oil ..sooo Good
btw its where Julie is talking about writing a blog with her hubby ...
Must watch the Movie if you haven't yet!! Meryl and Amy Adams are AWESOME!!!
Who is your Food Inspiration ?
Happy Eating! ;)
But- I am a everyday home cook.
My Hero and Inspiration is My Grandmother who passed when I was 18 & Julia Child!
My Grandma made Tortillas everyday ,every morning and also taught me to make them as well.
(might need to make a tortillas tutorial)
Anyhow...I Really Love Julia Child & the Movie Julie & Julia !!
Sooo as I was watching the Movie the other day I was inspired to make the is awesome appetizer ~
A Mix of Garden Tomatoes , salt ,pepper and basil
on toasted French bread loaf with olive oil ..sooo Good
btw its where Julie is talking about writing a blog with her hubby ...
Must watch the Movie if you haven't yet!! Meryl and Amy Adams are AWESOME!!!
Who is your Food Inspiration ?
Happy Eating! ;)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
So far in my Terry Goodkind Summer Read...
So I started the Terry Goodkind Book The Third Kingdom
but since it had been a bit (about a year) since I had read The Omen Machine sooo...I went back to that for a bit... I Love the Richard and Kaylan Novels ....
Last year After I Read The Omen Machine I Read The First Confessor
which I got that AudioBook on my phone and LOVE!!!!! Love Magda Searus!!
cannot wait to Read or Listen about her!!
I Love how in the beginging of The Omen Machine Terry Goodkind still mentions Cara's wedding!!!
Love her 2!! :)
For more Terry Goodkind info go to : http://www.terrygoodkind.com/
Your Life is Yours Alone. Rise up and Live it!
-Terry Goodkind
Nothing is ever easy.
-Most all Wizards
Happy Summer Reading Yall! :)
I LOVE The Tv. Show #COMMUNITY!!! Please #SaveCommunity!!!
I Don't think I have ever written about my Love for the TV Show Community.
Community was on nbc til season 5 and it was just cancelled..soooooo sad -and such a heartbreaking moment!!! No Joke!!
Community Season 5 comes out August 5th!!!! I cannot wait to buy and watch!!!!
From what I hear on twitter and other media resources is that Community was possibly going to be picked up by @Hulu & @SonyPictures - However @Hulu has said no - and the actors contracts expire on June 30th - so @SonyPictures hopes to still #SaveCommunity!!!
If you LOVE COMMUNITY like I do then - PLEASE Twitter , E-mail Or whatever source you want to tell @SonyPitures to PLEASE #SaveCommunity !!!
Find me on Twitter https://twitter.com/EML22 for more #COMMUNITY info and fun stuff! I LooVe Community and really and hoping to see it saved!!!
Unite #Greendale Human Beings
#SaveGreendale #SavetheGreendale7 #SixSeasonsandaMovie
June Zoo & Garden Days
This June has been soo busy! Full of Birthday parties , Zoo days and Gardening.
The Oklahoma City Zoo is Great!! My Family and I Love it! There is soo much to do- Stingray feeding and touching , Sea Lion Show is Wonderful, and soo many different things for Kids like the Petting Zoo, Splash Pad!!!
Here are a few pictures from my Day at the Zoo with my Family!
The Cactus Display is soo beautiful!!!
Zoo Animal Garden - Apparently some of the Monkeys eat the hot peppers...
I Loved the Giraffes!!! You can feed them as well! :)
Gorgeous White Peacock walking freely thru the Zoo! Loved it!
StingRays!! Favorite Part!!! We feed them fish and shrimp for $4!
My Garden has been doing pretty good even though I think I lost 2 cilantro plants , not sure why yet on 1 and a grasshopper feasted like a king on the other :(
anyways..Lettuse is Good
a lot of JalapeƱos & Squash!!
Huckleberry plant - hoping to make jam soon!!
For more pics check out me at http://instagram.com/evamdesigns
For more OKlahoma City Zoo Info go to http://www.okczoo.com/
For more OKlahoma City Zoo Info go to http://www.okczoo.com/
Happy Thursday! :) Tomorrow is Friday!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Terry Goodkind - Summer Reading
Hello Again Terry Goodkind Fans!!!
I am soooooo excited about Terry Goodkinds new Book
#SeveredSouls coming out this AUGUST!!!!
However I have yet to read #TheThirdKingdom - http://instagram.com/p/oAQGHGGoGy/
Both are Richard and Kahlan Novels - they are my favorite characters ....I do Love Wizard Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander and Cara!
So I really have a lot of reading to catch up on....
I will write more when I start reading Terry Goodkind again - next week or so!
For more info and more Terry Goodkind go to
Happy Summer Reading!! :)
Summer time,
Terry Goodkind
Philippa Gregory - Tudor Series Summer Read
So Far out of the Philippa Gregory -
Tudor Series -
I have read the Following...
The Constant Princess - http://instagram.com/p/n9iTt2moE6/
This Book was Amazing - and is a Must Read for any Philippa Gregory Fan!
I had always wondered what Katherine of Aragon - First and Rightful Queen of England
life was like... she was so strong in her Believes and the " Lie " if she did indeed consummate her marriage to Prince Arthur is still on everyone's mind even to today is insane in a way...
Her Life was EVERYONES business but she was helpless to stop King Henry from abandoning her to die....
Sad story and yet so honest , raw emotions...
The Other Boleyn Girl - http://instagram.com/p/oUcRa1GoKS/
I had read before when I was maybe 15years old....soo maybe 12years ago -lol ugh
Anyways......so reading this Book again and watching the movie afterwards was so Fun for me!
The Book is Wonderfully written like everything Philippa Gregory! ;)
However my Favorite part of it was that it was written from the view point of Mary Boleyn who was rarely mentioned in History - in General really....
So sad how her life as well as her siblings Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn were all used to climb to the top of the "Royal Ladder" ... Anne Boleyn was used and so she did her part and more ... and who could really blame her when her parents and family were all for this and whatever else they had to do...Anne was doing her best to stay alive in a mans world....
I think I will write more about Anne, Mary and George because these Children were tossed like chew toys into a Dog eat Dog world of Men and Spy's.. so they did they best they could do with what they were shown and given....
Btw- the Movie is really Good but get your tissues ready!!!
I Love Natalie Portman as Anne Boleyn and Scarlett Johansson was a pretty good Mary Boleyn!
So now I am on the Book
The Boleyn Inheritance - http://instagram.com/p/ow8wWWmoFo/
Where King Henry sends for this painter to paint girls from all over ...so that he may choose himself a New Bride...some girls are eager to fill the Dead Queen - Jane Seymour's shoes and some not so much!
NOTE: I think after this book I will jump to another book series for a min or month or so...lol
but I will always come back to Philippa Gregory - I Love Her writing and the Lives of these Brave young Women!
For more info on these Women & Philippa Gregory go to http://www.philippagregory.com/
Happy Reading! :)
Philippa Gregory,
Summer time
Monday, June 2, 2014
Stay out of the Heat and Craft for a Bit
So on my last post I mentioned it was HOTTT OUTSIDE and I need a break from that OKLAHOMA HEAT every so often...so I go to my craft room for some Crafty time!
Like I think Any Crafter?--- you have tons of un-finished projects or just want to start projects...
Helps when you find Awesome Paint colors, brushes, beads, leather -whatever your hobby or LOVE is and get on it....
soooo I found this Amazing Tribal Material at our local Hobby Lobby and fell in Love on the Spot when it was also on SALE!!!!! LOVE the word SALE!!!! IN RED!!! ;)
Ladies Get me I think! ;)
Anyhow-boy can I ramble.....
I have this Little Stool that means the world to me but it needed a little up-do from its old haggered material and it was sooooo outdated ....
this is the out come
(Just grab some sweet material that you know you will LOVE & Run with it!!
plus I had plenty of extra material to make a
Head Piece!
You can sew or Hott Clue this Bad boy together.(like a extra long hot dog) ...a button sewn at the end a whallla all done..or not totally up to you! I like to do it Bandanna style! :) just tie up your Hair and you ready to hit the town!
My Fav so far! :)
Hope your Crafting Bones are inspired to go find a unique something and make it your own!
You Can Always Make Something out of Nothing!!!
Happy Crafting, Fellow Doers!!! :)
Like I think Any Crafter?--- you have tons of un-finished projects or just want to start projects...
Helps when you find Awesome Paint colors, brushes, beads, leather -whatever your hobby or LOVE is and get on it....
soooo I found this Amazing Tribal Material at our local Hobby Lobby and fell in Love on the Spot when it was also on SALE!!!!! LOVE the word SALE!!!! IN RED!!! ;)
Ladies Get me I think! ;)
Anyhow-boy can I ramble.....
I have this Little Stool that means the world to me but it needed a little up-do from its old haggered material and it was sooooo outdated ....
this is the out come
(Just grab some sweet material that you know you will LOVE & Run with it!!
plus I had plenty of extra material to make a
Head Piece!
You can sew or Hott Clue this Bad boy together.(like a extra long hot dog) ...a button sewn at the end a whallla all done..or not totally up to you! I like to do it Bandanna style! :) just tie up your Hair and you ready to hit the town!
My Fav so far! :)
Hope your Crafting Bones are inspired to go find a unique something and make it your own!
You Can Always Make Something out of Nothing!!!
Happy Crafting, Fellow Doers!!! :)
Oklahoma Farm Days
Go Play Outside! :)
Days are Hott and Looong!
Howdy Folks, Feels like Forever since I was last on here typing a way at the Computer!
Outside all Day now- Been Busier than Ever!
We got 6 New Baby Chicks
and 5 Baby Turkeys ...
Love that little guy!!! Soo cute!! I cant get over it! ;)
But all these guys make me smile and laugh so much!!!
However, that plus the Growing Garden and all the Up- keep in the Greenhouse is making for a non-stop day of activity! Thankful for all the Work! :)
I do Love Busy Days! Makes for a Good Summer Days!
Being a Self proclaimed Texan/Oklahoman....since I lived in Texas for at least 11-years out of my life....
I am quite used to the Heat -but this OKLAHOMA HEAT has been Killer so don't forget to keep Hydrated and your planted watered a bit more! ;)
PLANTS are really feeling the Heat!
This Lavender Loves it! But it still needs lots of water to survive and thrive on ward.......I mention all this cause I killed one here recently ...due to forgetting to water it! :(
That pic makes me smile that it is doing so well- so far! ;)
Got a lot more Harvest now - I think Thanks to all the Rain and Sun of late! :)
and berries
and Gourmet Blend of Lettuce is sooo yummy, crunchy and crisp!!!
I hope yall are having good luck with your Garden as well!
I truly believe that if you put a lot of Love and Work into the Garden you will get a Sweet Harvest as a Reward!
NEVER GIVE UP! We all Fail - we just have to take it as learning and hope for better results next time! You never know what you get if you only TRY! :)
Happy Gardening Yall!!! :)
Hope Yall Have a Happy Monday!!!
Go Play Outside! :)
Days are Hott and Looong!
Howdy Folks, Feels like Forever since I was last on here typing a way at the Computer!
Outside all Day now- Been Busier than Ever!
We got 6 New Baby Chicks
and 5 Baby Turkeys ...
Love that little guy!!! Soo cute!! I cant get over it! ;)
But all these guys make me smile and laugh so much!!!
However, that plus the Growing Garden and all the Up- keep in the Greenhouse is making for a non-stop day of activity! Thankful for all the Work! :)
I do Love Busy Days! Makes for a Good Summer Days!
Being a Self proclaimed Texan/Oklahoman....since I lived in Texas for at least 11-years out of my life....
I am quite used to the Heat -but this OKLAHOMA HEAT has been Killer so don't forget to keep Hydrated and your planted watered a bit more! ;)
PLANTS are really feeling the Heat!
This Lavender Loves it! But it still needs lots of water to survive and thrive on ward.......I mention all this cause I killed one here recently ...due to forgetting to water it! :(
That pic makes me smile that it is doing so well- so far! ;)
Got a lot more Harvest now - I think Thanks to all the Rain and Sun of late! :)
and berries
and Gourmet Blend of Lettuce is sooo yummy, crunchy and crisp!!!
I hope yall are having good luck with your Garden as well!
I truly believe that if you put a lot of Love and Work into the Garden you will get a Sweet Harvest as a Reward!
NEVER GIVE UP! We all Fail - we just have to take it as learning and hope for better results next time! You never know what you get if you only TRY! :)
Happy Gardening Yall!!! :)
Hope Yall Have a Happy Monday!!!
Summer time,
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