I Love Baking up Christmas Cookies for the Holidays!!
Here are some I have made recently ...
We Love Gingerbread at our house! I will be making more soon! :)
Here are some Awesome Cookie Ideas I have found via BOOKS & PINTREST ! :)
These Hot Cocoa Cookies look Yummy-Recipe can be found in #FoodNetwork #Sweet #CookBook
These Snowmen look Great 2!! :) via Pinterest!
Happy Baking Yall! :)
Hello, I Love to Write about Gardening,Movies,Crafting, Food and Books! This is my Oklahoma Life!
Oklahoma Farm Life
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Holiday Cookie Ideas
Arrow VS. The Flash
Lately I have been watching ARROW & THE FLASH on the CW!
The Arrow vs The Flash Crossover was last week and it was Amazing!!!!!
Did yall get to watch?
The Arrow and The Flash on there own are totally Awesome but the Crossover was Epic!!!!!
Peeps were calling it #Flarrow on the web :)
I really enjoyed seeing Barry and Oliver 's friendship grow....as well as the others in the group! :)
Both groups worked well together! I Love Diggle and Cisco , Catlin and of course my fav. Felicity! ;)
I am trying to talk #Flarrow without giving much info for
those that have not watched yet!
I am always Team Arrow & #Olicity
but I sure do Love The Flash!
Barry is Great! I would love to see him with Catlin!
The villain's on both sides are Wonderfully Creepy!
But I do hope that we get some answers soon on
K- I better stop typing for now...I will write more about Arrow and The Flash again! :)
Who were you routing for ? Team Arrow or Team Flash>>>???
Til later - Thanks for Reading ! ;)
Life can be hard but atleast we have weekends...
Today, I am at the Library typing away while I wait for my annoying phone to get the updates it needs for it to work properly. I am so sorry I have not made it on here in a while...
Life has a way of being crazy hectic when you lease expect it to be...
last month another good friend of mine passed away ...she lost her fight to Cancer
....that has been really hard to deal with ...
I am very sad and lonely at times..but that is okay, I will make it...
I hope life has been treating yall well!
Right now I am soo behind on everything!!
Christmas is only like 19 Days away!!
Christmas time is here...
Ahhh are yall ready>???
I am with my little ones gifts but not so much or everyone else............
I Hope yall have a Great Weekend and in case I don't get on here again-
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Fall Pumpkin Love
Hello Everyone,
I know its been a while but life has been insane! I hope yall are doing well! :)
Don't know if you are addicted to Pinterest as much as I am .........anyhow I love looking for what's new and anything nerdy oooor Crafty, DIY , Recipes and etc....
They have a lot to offer a girl and boys! :)
Where you can be creative and dream....a Dreamers paradise!
I always look during the Holidays for new inspiration and this fall I found this idea for painting pumpkins!
Pinterest DIY Idea I found ...
then my own...
just pick a paint color , and some glitter if you want to sparkle
and dig in -- http://instagram.com/p/uRp5sPGoAT/?modal=true
get dirty its fun! :)
I Love Pumpkins and Fall and Hoodies..............lol I could go on and on ...
I Hope yall have a Happy Fall Weekend!
Better go run out side...hubby is workin on addin on to my greenhouse and etc,sooo excited and nervous at the same time...anyways talk to yall later and I will try to keep ya updated!! :)
BTW - Find me on Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/evadesigns/ :)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
I Love Arrow & New Fall TV !!!
Hello Yet Again,
I know I am here now non- stop lol- well it does help that The Pioneer Woman is Recording on my DVR right now so I type away as I please....hehe
Anyways, Yall know how much I Love TV and New Shows this Fall is just soo Exciting!!!
So who else is Ready for New Seasons and New Shows on tv this Fall???
The #1 New Show I am insanely excited to watch is....................................
#1 - FLASH on CW starts this Tuesday!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooooooooooooooooo thrilled!!!!!!
The #1 SHOW I am ready to watch for sure is New Season is ARROW!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE ARROW!!!!! I Cannot get enuff!!!!!
Sooo lucky hubby watches that show with me 2!
Last month when Arrow Season 2 came out on Dvd he was sweet enuff to buy it and the 1st season for my collection!!! :)
Happiness and True Love right there! ;)
Sooooo Excited to see how Arrow and Flash connect.....New Arrow Season 3 starts this coming Monday also on CW @ 7pm I think.....
Next week I will be super busy and soo will my dvr! :)
New Shows I am excited bout returning is
the following :
* NEW GIRL - Already started Season 4 on Fox (Love Love Love New Girl!!!!) whos that girl......its jess!
* Modern Family
*The Middle
* Reign on CW check it out!
* Community Season 6 sooon as well!!!!
What are you excited about starting ?
GoT Again sometime and Vikings!!
ugh lots of good tv on these days!!! Happy Watching!!!! :)
I know I am here now non- stop lol- well it does help that The Pioneer Woman is Recording on my DVR right now so I type away as I please....hehe
Anyways, Yall know how much I Love TV and New Shows this Fall is just soo Exciting!!!
So who else is Ready for New Seasons and New Shows on tv this Fall???
The #1 New Show I am insanely excited to watch is....................................
#1 - FLASH on CW starts this Tuesday!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooooooooooooooooo thrilled!!!!!!
The #1 SHOW I am ready to watch for sure is New Season is ARROW!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE ARROW!!!!! I Cannot get enuff!!!!!
Sooo lucky hubby watches that show with me 2!
Last month when Arrow Season 2 came out on Dvd he was sweet enuff to buy it and the 1st season for my collection!!! :)
Happiness and True Love right there! ;)
Sooooo Excited to see how Arrow and Flash connect.....New Arrow Season 3 starts this coming Monday also on CW @ 7pm I think.....
Next week I will be super busy and soo will my dvr! :)
New Shows I am excited bout returning is
the following :
* NEW GIRL - Already started Season 4 on Fox (Love Love Love New Girl!!!!) whos that girl......its jess!
* Modern Family
*The Middle
* Reign on CW check it out!
* Community Season 6 sooon as well!!!!
What are you excited about starting ?
GoT Again sometime and Vikings!!
ugh lots of good tv on these days!!! Happy Watching!!!! :)
Modern Family,
The Middle,
Tv Shows,
Mix of Books for Fall Reading List 2014
Hello Again ,
I hope yall had a Good Friday and are ready for a Great Saturday & Sunday!
Sooo I know I have yet to finish reading The Queen's Fool by Philippa Gregory but when you find
Books you just have to scoop them up and give them a Read or atleast add to your Book Reading List
this Fall Cold Month....Already have the Heat on inside...
41* outside right now with the high of 73 for the Day!
Anyways, so I will finish The Queen's Fool here soon but for now here is
The Fall Reading List for 2014
1. The Queen's Fool by: Philippa Gregory
So Far this Book has been soo interesting, This Little Girl who has a sight for what is or will be and gets put right in the middle of all the Castle activities not by choice.
2. The Kings Curse by: Philippa Gregory
Apprently this Book starts in 1499 when England is under Tudor King VII
3. Women in the Game of Thrones
by: Valerie Estelle Frankel
This Book really is trying to dig in to the Women of GoT and how it really is portraying Women in Power for those times or if GoT is really just a "Guy show"
I believe GoT is for both Men and Women and
I believe it one of the Truest forms of real Life in the Medieval Ages prorated on tv!
I know its a bit rough and gruesome most of the time,
but that was real life for people back in the day...many years ago...sad but true
I will write more about GoT another time! :)
4. Treat Yourself
by: Jennifer Steinhaurer
Yummmy Classic treats that look super easy to make! Must try a recipe asap!
5. Extra Virgin
by: Gabriele Corcos and Debi Mazar
I Love the Show & Them and I cannot wait to dig in to these tasty Rustic Italian Eats!
6. Farming with Native Beneficial Insects
Yall know I Love to Garden so while I am not able to do so much outside now that Winter is Coming I Love to do Garden Reading.....This Book has Great Ideas on how to Grow bountiful organic crops while eliminating the need for chemical pesticides!
As you can tell this is a Mix of Books for Great Read this Fall!
Just Grab a Book a Hoodie or Blanket and cuddle up!
Happy Warm Reading!!! :)
Btw- I will get back to yall on how these Books pan out after im done! :)
Btw- I will get back to yall on how these Books pan out after im done! :)
Friday, October 3, 2014
I Love Country Life
Hello again,
I have always had a Love for the Country Life!
I believe it came from my Grandpa and Dad! When I was a little girl in Texas my Grandpa had a nice spread of land that I Loved and still remember to this day!
He had a big orchard of fig trees and etc... and a pond , pigs, chickens, goats, turkeys and more...
but it was not in our town or Corpus Christi, Texas but in a another town ...so we did not get to go very often...
My Dad always wanted to move us to Tulsa Oklahoma Country but my Mom is city thru and thru soo that never worked out....
I did however have friends in Tulsa that had a nice piece of land and they would invite me to come out and stay....
We would ride horses , shoot frogs from the pond for frog legs....ate my first frog legs and learned to shear sheep! Rode horses -fell and got back up and on again!
It was AWESOME! Some of the best memories of my Life!
Anyways, that is a little history of why I have grown to have such a Love for the Country Life and Why I fell in Love with my Hubby and his Land! ;)
lol- it was a plus not going to lie....plus the tight wranglers never hurt , right?! ;)
Well here are tons of pics I took last week of a lot of country here at home and around OKLAHOMA!
here is one of our Turkeys all grown-up!
I Love Clouds and Horses!
Love the View from this Local Oklahoma Ranch house!
The Great Will Rogers Home in Oklahoma while he was growing-up!
Very Peaceful location with just me and that Longhorn.
More Horse Love
One more of the house! Love it!
I know that Oklahoma is "slower" than Texas but I Love it nice and slow !
Now that I am a Small Town girl I have really learned what slow country life is like!
lol- Enjoy the Country life around you and snap a pic or 2!
Life can be beautiful - if you try, you can see it!
BTW- I still Love Texas 2!!! :)
I miss it and cannot wait to travel out there again to visit Family and Good Food! :)
Hope yall have a Great Day and take some time to enjoy the Country View!
lol- I know I watch "THE VIEW" SOMETIMES 2!! :)
I Love You Dad and of course Football!
Howdy Yall!
I hope all are well today and ready for the Weekend!
I sure am! I am ready for some Family, Friends and FOOTBALL!!!!
Yes, in that order! :)
Growing up I was the oldest of 2 girls and I think my Dad my have been a little bummed that he never got a boy....
soo I kinda made up for it by tagging along to Football games...
Now at first I really was not interested....I was around 4-6 when I went to my first game with my Dad!
I can almost remember it!
lol- but as I got older....I was like Dad I don't wanna sit by you at the game but I will still go.....there were friends and cute boys everywhere! :)
Must have hurt my Dad pretty bad! Now that he is gone- (he passed away when I was 15)
I cant help but remember all he did for me and his Love for the Game FOOTBALL!!!
Now Growing up in Texas really made the LOVE for FOOTBALL that much greater!
As I got older and I could decide who I really wanted to root for....
and my Dad was never to far from my mind!
My Dad and almost all my Texas Family LOVE AND LIVE DALLAS COWBOY FOOTBALL!
So that kinda stuck! ;)
When I went to OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY that sealed the deal for my to be a OKLAHOMA STATE COWGIRL to the End! GO POKES!!!
I was not planning on writing so much about why I Love Football ,...but I did sooo there....lol...
Do You Like Football as much as me?
If so I hope your team does well! Unless they play my fav. teams! ;)
Have a Happy Friday and a Great Weekend Yall! :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Good Morning Coyote!
Good Morning Peeps!
I hope everyone is doing well! I know its been a while since I was on here typing away.....sorry life has been sooo busy.....Today however.....
You Ever wake up with a coyote by your back door trying to break into one of your chicken houses?!
Well today was the day for that! I awoke between 6:30 - 7:00 am to the sound of constant barking!
yip yip yip pause.....yip yip yip........annoying in the early morn for sure!!!!
Now my "ranch dog" barks and etc....but she is still what I consider a puppy compared to a coyote .
Her name is peanut and then our other dog Jack is old and done with barking at coyotes and etc...
So this Coyote just keep circling the chicken house round and round
as I am walking out of the house with the gun.
No I don't walk out side with a Gun all the time....but when its that early and the barking wont stop....
you might as well grab the gun just in case.......
Well I walk out see what is going on and get ready to shoot.....now I am a really not the best shot when I have been rudely woken up ....plus I really did not want to pop one of my chickens instead of the coyote......
One Shot right away, I did not even close the door behind me.......missed......another shot....
Gun was jammed!!! Ugh well atleast I "scared" the coyote of for now.....
Maybe better luck next time.....but I think next time I will be a bit more prepared! ;)
Just a bit of real Oklahoma Country Life for ya there....
Happy Tuesday! Hope Yall have a Great Day!!! :)
Monday, August 18, 2014
Cooking these days....Plus Fun & Easy Chicken Taco Recipe
Sooo as yall can tell- I have been doing more reading and watching movies than anything....
Reason for that is that I pulled my back out again...so I was down most of last month and most of this month....
Anyhow.... I was not able to Cook, Garden and etc...not going to lie it was kinda depressing and lonely but my little kiddo and Hubby were what kept me going...and a lot of physical therapy!
I am sooooooooo HAPPY to be back and up doing much better!!
Last week I was able to Grill sooo Excited!!! lol
Chicken Breast, onions , tomatoes / All in that order !
1 after the other...stove top w/ a bit of oil in a pan...
Halved my Garden Tomatoes and tossed with S&P !!
After it all was cooked-up I tossed it in a glass bowl & covered it with foil to stay warm....
I lowered the heat on the stove top and popped the tortillas (corn,flour,wheat-whatever you want..i used flour ) in the same pan to heat them thru nicely with a little flavor! As Mrs. Carla Hall from 1 of my fav. Cooking shows says .." there is flavor in the brown." LOL Love her...(off topic again....I am totally random...I know..lol)
When those where done I tossed them on a piece of foil and paper towel (1 on top of another)
added some cheese and the chicken, onion, tomato mix on............squish a lime or lemon if you want and a little cilantro or sour cream (whatever you want or got) don't stress about it....
They are supposed to be Easy at home....
My finished Grilled Chicken Tacos! Happiness!!! Love these!!! :)
Maybe tomorrow can be #TacoTuesday!! :)
All you need is :
Chicken Breast
And any extra toppings like sour cream, cheese and etc...
Happy Cooking !!! :)
Friday, August 15, 2014
Severed Souls by: Terry Goodkind pt.2 (spoiler alert)
Spoiler Alert!!!!
I finally finished the Book! In many ways I wish I had not!
Not going to lie - I cried a lot reading this Book!
When Zedd was cut down I about lost it!!!! I was on my way to physical therapy and all I wanted to do was cry ! Lossing Zedd was Hard!! And sooo sad!!!!
I wondered for the longest time WHO did it>>????
I did suspect Irena (Samantha's mom) but it did not seem to be her since Richard had seen her sleeping by Sam......ugh and just like that be-headed....
RIP Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander you will be Greatly missed!!!!
1 of my Fav. characters in the Terry Goodkind Books!
Red was a pretty neat witch woman! Hunter was a neat addition 2!!
However I don't think anything could prepare me for when Richard learned that Irena was the traitor among them all! When he saw the Journey Book fall out of her dress that was for sure a BIG Changing point!!! I was shocked to see that she had the twin Journey Book to Dreier!!!!Took them to the citadel where there was NO Containment field !!!!
That she killed her own sisters, and their husbands! She killed her own Husband and offered her own daughter to Dreier as well was AWFUL!!!!!
Felt soo bad for Samantha and Richard -well 4 all of them!!! They helped her and in turn she betrayed them over and over again!!!! They should have never trusted her! However, how do you not trust someone that has never given you reason to distrust them>!?!
Sadly I do believe this sort of betrayal happens way to much in our everyday lives....not maybe to this extent -but I can understand thinking someone is your friend one min and then the next they are physically or mentally hurting you!!
One of the worse feelings in the World!
I could not blame Richard one bit for the way he reacted to reading everything in the Journey Book - and all that Irena had done! The "worse" was that she had be-headed his Grandfather Zedd!! Murder!!! I was wanting my turn at her 2! I did not blame him for beating her against that wall over and over again!!
Yet when Samantha walking in on it and sees her mother dead on the floor....being her age and seeing her mother dead did not help with all her emotions and I was but wasn't surprised that she stabbed and killed Kahlan! I was in shock but yet - had to remember that Red the witch woman had warned Kahlan that this would happen.......
No matter how much warning you have you are Never ready for the ones you Love to die!
I was in shock for a bit! Sooo sad! But appartley only one could live....
either Richard or Kahlan ...
Richard did not want Kahlan to die so he went to save her since he was dying anyways ....
I cried the whole time like a baby in bed....I try to not imagine my life with out my husband!
Yet I would feel the same if I was Richard, I would have tried to save my love as well!
But to wake as Kahlan would be the hard as well! To Lose my Love w/ hardly spent much time together like Cara as well! It would be hard to live on! Atleast she has Nicci still alive and I really hope we get to hear more about Cara and how she is doing or what she is doing...
I assume still killing.....
When Richard Dies and yet they keep tryin to find ways to bring him back was heartbreaking!!!
I still cannot believe that Richard is Gone!!!!
1 of the Hardest Books I have Read due to first Zedd dying then Richard!!!
Atleast Dreier and Irena is Dead! But what about Samantha- who tried to kill Kahlan and ran off?!
What about Hannias Arc and Emperor Sulachan?
I think there is still a lot more to come from Terry Goodkind!
I know when reading all this I am rather random and etc...but this is nothing fancy about my writing it just me writing in my journal about Books I Love! Mind all my grammar mistakes and etc!! :)
I Cant ever get Enuff!!!!
I Love everything about the way he writes and how he can make me cry non-stop !
Yet uplifting at the same time!!!!
For more TerryGoodkind please go to : http://www.terrygoodkind.com/index-full.shtml
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Community Tv Show Lives On!!!!
I am sooo excited that Yahoo & Hulu..? I believe have picked up COMMUNITY for another season!!!
Six Seasons and Movie!!! I Love Community so much!
Had to get a copy of Community Season 5 that came out Aug.5th!!!!
Very Happy Selfie!!! :)
Cannot wait to see what Season 6 has in store??!!!!
More on the Ass Crack- Bandit???? ANOTHER GI JOE Episode?!!!! I love that Episode! :)
Will Troy come back soon???
Abed and Annie should get together!! :)
Anyways- Community Lives on and that's all that matters!!! :)
Who is your fav. Community Character ???
Not sure I could pick 1!!! Ugh, maybe Annie? :)
Happy Tuesday Yall !! :)
Six Seasons and Movie!!! I Love Community so much!
Had to get a copy of Community Season 5 that came out Aug.5th!!!!
Very Happy Selfie!!! :)
Cannot wait to see what Season 6 has in store??!!!!
More on the Ass Crack- Bandit???? ANOTHER GI JOE Episode?!!!! I love that Episode! :)
Will Troy come back soon???
Abed and Annie should get together!! :)
Anyways- Community Lives on and that's all that matters!!! :)
Who is your fav. Community Character ???
Not sure I could pick 1!!! Ugh, maybe Annie? :)
Happy Tuesday Yall !! :)
Severed Souls by: Terry Goodkind pt. 1
Love this Quote!
No, I have not finished Reading the Book Severed Souls!!
Half -way in.. I am on Chapter 38 and I cannot get enuff!!! I am trying not to hurry thru the Book- taking it nice and slow!
I hope you have gotten your copy as well! :) The Half-Dead seem to get scarier the more you get into it...ok no more for now....I will write more once im done....back to reading!
A room without books is like a body without a soul - Cicero
Another quick quote! :)
Happy Reading!!! Happy Tuesday!! :)
Love this Quote!
No, I have not finished Reading the Book Severed Souls!!
Half -way in.. I am on Chapter 38 and I cannot get enuff!!! I am trying not to hurry thru the Book- taking it nice and slow!
I hope you have gotten your copy as well! :) The Half-Dead seem to get scarier the more you get into it...ok no more for now....I will write more once im done....back to reading!
A room without books is like a body without a soul - Cicero
Another quick quote! :)
Happy Reading!!! Happy Tuesday!! :)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Queen Nefertiti Documentary
Watched the Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty National Geographic Documentary about 6 times now and I cannot get enuff! A must Seee! Netflix has it! oldie but a goodie!
Crazy how they have found almost everyone but Nefertiti???!
King Tut's Dad, his Mom and even his grandmother on his Dad's side....then again why would he have wanted to find Nefertiti if she was not his mother plus what if King Tut thought that Nefertiti was behind his mothers murder? You think she did???? interesting for sure!
If they did not know where she was back then...how will we find her now?? some say she is in Thebes ,Egypt .....I So would not mind taking a peek down there....this has peeked my interest almost as much as those poor boys lost in the tower of London.
I hate Mysteries, they need to be solved! lol!!! :)
Before I die I must go to the Valley of the Kings! lol....and Ciaro and....anyways it just seems to me that there is still lots of digging left to do....bummer so many thieves make it there before everyone else...
Love Mummies and how the mummification process works...
The Best Digging is in y0ur our back yard...lol never know what you will find........my research will never end....its exciting to learn and read new things! Happy Reading!
Crazy how they have found almost everyone but Nefertiti???!
King Tut's Dad, his Mom and even his grandmother on his Dad's side....then again why would he have wanted to find Nefertiti if she was not his mother plus what if King Tut thought that Nefertiti was behind his mothers murder? You think she did???? interesting for sure!
If they did not know where she was back then...how will we find her now?? some say she is in Thebes ,Egypt .....I So would not mind taking a peek down there....this has peeked my interest almost as much as those poor boys lost in the tower of London.
I hate Mysteries, they need to be solved! lol!!! :)
Before I die I must go to the Valley of the Kings! lol....and Ciaro and....anyways it just seems to me that there is still lots of digging left to do....bummer so many thieves make it there before everyone else...
Love Mummies and how the mummification process works...
The Best Digging is in y0ur our back yard...lol never know what you will find........my research will never end....its exciting to learn and read new things! Happy Reading!
The Third Kingdom by: Terry GoodKind - Book Review
LOVE LOVE LOVED The Third Kingdom by Terry GoodKind !!! It was sooo Good filled with the twist and turns we Love so much! A Must READ 4 Sure!!
I did plan to be done with the book a lot sooner but things have been a bit hecktic of late....
CraZy that Hannis Arc rose up Sulachin aka the Spirit King!!
When Richard went thru the Green Veil that was Awesome! Bummer he did not figure it out earlier.....then again I don't think I have been any better! Lol...
Soo cool though that Samatha found her mom!!!
But - Soooo Sad when the Shun-tuk killed Ben (Cara's New Husband!!!) nOt going to Lied I cried like a baby! I could not believe it!!!
Richard and Cara did have there Revenge on a ton of Shun-tuk and Half Dead! That would not be a fun way to die....
kinda like Walking Dead -Zombies etc.... which I kinda Love! Still scary...
I Loved how we follow Kahlan on her adventure while learning about Lidwig Dreier and all the sick stuff he does! He is INSANE!!! Poor People that really have had to endure that type of torture!!! I hope to be half as brave as Kahlan!! She was Amazing like Always!! Love her!! Cannot get enuff of her!!! She Amazes me so much!!! Such an inspiring Woman!
(BTW - Love the Actress Bridget Regan as Kahlan in The Legend of the Seeker...I will write about that 1day 2!!! )
How did you like learning about the "New" Mord -sith VIKA , Erika and Dora?!!
The Half dead and the Shun-tuk were scary!!
Crazy how Dora Died!!! Insane!!!
Love what Cara says.... "They may have been trying to take his soul, but they in fact stole mine. "
Such a Heartbreaking moment. I cried again- to loose someone is one of the Hardest thing people have to go thru in life.
Sadly some have to deal with loss after loss and it can be really tough to go thru.
( I Lost my Dad when I was 15 to Kidney Failure then 3 classmates at age 17 , then my grandmother to Cancer when I was 18 ...Death is Hard that all im tryin to say.... it can be a lot to handle for people at times. Cant imagine loosing my Hub! )
When Lord Rahl says "Cara, please let me hold you for a minute before I let you go?" (tears)
She at last smiled as she returned and slipped her arms around him, and he around her, as she laid her head against his chest. He tenderly put his hand to the back of her head and held her, wishing there were words, but there were none.
Loved those words. Sadly there are no words of comfort for people in this sort of grief... it is a long progress of healing.
For her "I need to do some killing" - I could not blame her for wanting to go after some more Shun-tuk! With her Shun-tuk stone knife in hand.....they should be worried with her coming for them..
I really hope she is in the New Book Out TODAY - Severed Souls!!! I have my book on hold at a semi-near Book Store ....Now I just have to drive myself up there and pick it up ASAP!! LOL!
For Terry Goodkind info please go to his website - http://www.terrygoodkind.com/
Anyhow,......... I hope yall Have a Great Tuesday! Happy Reading!!!
Cannot wait to talk Severed Souls Next time!!! :)
LOVE LOVE LOVED The Third Kingdom by Terry GoodKind !!! It was sooo Good filled with the twist and turns we Love so much! A Must READ 4 Sure!!
I did plan to be done with the book a lot sooner but things have been a bit hecktic of late....
CraZy that Hannis Arc rose up Sulachin aka the Spirit King!!
When Richard went thru the Green Veil that was Awesome! Bummer he did not figure it out earlier.....then again I don't think I have been any better! Lol...
Soo cool though that Samatha found her mom!!!
But - Soooo Sad when the Shun-tuk killed Ben (Cara's New Husband!!!) nOt going to Lied I cried like a baby! I could not believe it!!!
Richard and Cara did have there Revenge on a ton of Shun-tuk and Half Dead! That would not be a fun way to die....
kinda like Walking Dead -Zombies etc.... which I kinda Love! Still scary...
I Loved how we follow Kahlan on her adventure while learning about Lidwig Dreier and all the sick stuff he does! He is INSANE!!! Poor People that really have had to endure that type of torture!!! I hope to be half as brave as Kahlan!! She was Amazing like Always!! Love her!! Cannot get enuff of her!!! She Amazes me so much!!! Such an inspiring Woman!
(BTW - Love the Actress Bridget Regan as Kahlan in The Legend of the Seeker...I will write about that 1day 2!!! )
How did you like learning about the "New" Mord -sith VIKA , Erika and Dora?!!
The Half dead and the Shun-tuk were scary!!
Crazy how Dora Died!!! Insane!!!
Love what Cara says.... "They may have been trying to take his soul, but they in fact stole mine. "
Such a Heartbreaking moment. I cried again- to loose someone is one of the Hardest thing people have to go thru in life.
Sadly some have to deal with loss after loss and it can be really tough to go thru.
( I Lost my Dad when I was 15 to Kidney Failure then 3 classmates at age 17 , then my grandmother to Cancer when I was 18 ...Death is Hard that all im tryin to say.... it can be a lot to handle for people at times. Cant imagine loosing my Hub! )
When Lord Rahl says "Cara, please let me hold you for a minute before I let you go?" (tears)
She at last smiled as she returned and slipped her arms around him, and he around her, as she laid her head against his chest. He tenderly put his hand to the back of her head and held her, wishing there were words, but there were none.
Loved those words. Sadly there are no words of comfort for people in this sort of grief... it is a long progress of healing.
For her "I need to do some killing" - I could not blame her for wanting to go after some more Shun-tuk! With her Shun-tuk stone knife in hand.....they should be worried with her coming for them..
I really hope she is in the New Book Out TODAY - Severed Souls!!! I have my book on hold at a semi-near Book Store ....Now I just have to drive myself up there and pick it up ASAP!! LOL!
For Terry Goodkind info please go to his website - http://www.terrygoodkind.com/
Anyhow,......... I hope yall Have a Great Tuesday! Happy Reading!!!
Cannot wait to talk Severed Souls Next time!!! :)
Monday, June 30, 2014
I LOVE FOOOD PT2. plus a Great Bread Recipe!
I Have really been Cooking away lately! Made some Super Cute Hello Kitty Cupcakes with my Kido!
* Hello Kitty CupCake set-
*Freshly Baked Cakes-
Since I have a ton of Chile's available plus a couple of tomatoes here and there I had to make a little salsa ! I just threw a few chilies , tomatoes , garlic in a pan til blackened, blistered then peel garlic and cut tops of peppers ...and into the blender they go...add salt pepper lime juice , fresh cilantro as you blend and your done! Add diced onions at the end and mix with a spoon! ENJOY! :)
the chilies
the salsa
TaCos I had to make to Go with the TaCos! ;)
I also have a lot of Zucchini right now - http://instagram.com/p/pwYhWOmoB9/?modal=true
so I decided to try out http://instagram.com/p/p19IJrGoAL/?modal=true
this Banana Zucchini Bread Recipe -
I got it from Pinterest - It really turned out AMAZING!!!!!! I did not add the cinnamon or nuts...
Bread was Hubby and Kid Approved!
Enjoy Cooking & Baking! And Eating! ;)
* Hello Kitty CupCake set-
*Freshly Baked Cakes-
Since I have a ton of Chile's available plus a couple of tomatoes here and there I had to make a little salsa ! I just threw a few chilies , tomatoes , garlic in a pan til blackened, blistered then peel garlic and cut tops of peppers ...and into the blender they go...add salt pepper lime juice , fresh cilantro as you blend and your done! Add diced onions at the end and mix with a spoon! ENJOY! :)
the chilies
the salsa
TaCos I had to make to Go with the TaCos! ;)
I also have a lot of Zucchini right now - http://instagram.com/p/pwYhWOmoB9/?modal=true
so I decided to try out http://instagram.com/p/p19IJrGoAL/?modal=true
this Banana Zucchini Bread Recipe -
I got it from Pinterest - It really turned out AMAZING!!!!!! I did not add the cinnamon or nuts...
Bread was Hubby and Kid Approved!
Enjoy Cooking & Baking! And Eating! ;)
I LOVE FOOOD & Julia Child!!
I realllly Love Food , Cooking and Baking! Im not great :)
But- I am a everyday home cook.
My Hero and Inspiration is My Grandmother who passed when I was 18 & Julia Child!
My Grandma made Tortillas everyday ,every morning and also taught me to make them as well.
(might need to make a tortillas tutorial)
Anyhow...I Really Love Julia Child & the Movie Julie & Julia !!
Sooo as I was watching the Movie the other day I was inspired to make the is awesome appetizer ~
A Mix of Garden Tomatoes , salt ,pepper and basil
on toasted French bread loaf with olive oil ..sooo Good
btw its where Julie is talking about writing a blog with her hubby ...
Must watch the Movie if you haven't yet!! Meryl and Amy Adams are AWESOME!!!
Who is your Food Inspiration ?
Happy Eating! ;)
But- I am a everyday home cook.
My Hero and Inspiration is My Grandmother who passed when I was 18 & Julia Child!
My Grandma made Tortillas everyday ,every morning and also taught me to make them as well.
(might need to make a tortillas tutorial)
Anyhow...I Really Love Julia Child & the Movie Julie & Julia !!
Sooo as I was watching the Movie the other day I was inspired to make the is awesome appetizer ~
A Mix of Garden Tomatoes , salt ,pepper and basil
on toasted French bread loaf with olive oil ..sooo Good
btw its where Julie is talking about writing a blog with her hubby ...
Must watch the Movie if you haven't yet!! Meryl and Amy Adams are AWESOME!!!
Who is your Food Inspiration ?
Happy Eating! ;)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
So far in my Terry Goodkind Summer Read...
So I started the Terry Goodkind Book The Third Kingdom
but since it had been a bit (about a year) since I had read The Omen Machine sooo...I went back to that for a bit... I Love the Richard and Kaylan Novels ....
Last year After I Read The Omen Machine I Read The First Confessor
which I got that AudioBook on my phone and LOVE!!!!! Love Magda Searus!!
cannot wait to Read or Listen about her!!
I Love how in the beginging of The Omen Machine Terry Goodkind still mentions Cara's wedding!!!
Love her 2!! :)
For more Terry Goodkind info go to : http://www.terrygoodkind.com/
Your Life is Yours Alone. Rise up and Live it!
-Terry Goodkind
Nothing is ever easy.
-Most all Wizards
Happy Summer Reading Yall! :)
I LOVE The Tv. Show #COMMUNITY!!! Please #SaveCommunity!!!
I Don't think I have ever written about my Love for the TV Show Community.
Community was on nbc til season 5 and it was just cancelled..soooooo sad -and such a heartbreaking moment!!! No Joke!!
Community Season 5 comes out August 5th!!!! I cannot wait to buy and watch!!!!
From what I hear on twitter and other media resources is that Community was possibly going to be picked up by @Hulu & @SonyPictures - However @Hulu has said no - and the actors contracts expire on June 30th - so @SonyPictures hopes to still #SaveCommunity!!!
If you LOVE COMMUNITY like I do then - PLEASE Twitter , E-mail Or whatever source you want to tell @SonyPitures to PLEASE #SaveCommunity !!!
Find me on Twitter https://twitter.com/EML22 for more #COMMUNITY info and fun stuff! I LooVe Community and really and hoping to see it saved!!!
Unite #Greendale Human Beings
#SaveGreendale #SavetheGreendale7 #SixSeasonsandaMovie
June Zoo & Garden Days
This June has been soo busy! Full of Birthday parties , Zoo days and Gardening.
The Oklahoma City Zoo is Great!! My Family and I Love it! There is soo much to do- Stingray feeding and touching , Sea Lion Show is Wonderful, and soo many different things for Kids like the Petting Zoo, Splash Pad!!!
Here are a few pictures from my Day at the Zoo with my Family!
The Cactus Display is soo beautiful!!!
Zoo Animal Garden - Apparently some of the Monkeys eat the hot peppers...
I Loved the Giraffes!!! You can feed them as well! :)
Gorgeous White Peacock walking freely thru the Zoo! Loved it!
StingRays!! Favorite Part!!! We feed them fish and shrimp for $4!
My Garden has been doing pretty good even though I think I lost 2 cilantro plants , not sure why yet on 1 and a grasshopper feasted like a king on the other :(
anyways..Lettuse is Good
a lot of Jalapeños & Squash!!
Huckleberry plant - hoping to make jam soon!!
For more pics check out me at http://instagram.com/evamdesigns
For more OKlahoma City Zoo Info go to http://www.okczoo.com/
For more OKlahoma City Zoo Info go to http://www.okczoo.com/
Happy Thursday! :) Tomorrow is Friday!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Terry Goodkind - Summer Reading
Hello Again Terry Goodkind Fans!!!
I am soooooo excited about Terry Goodkinds new Book
#SeveredSouls coming out this AUGUST!!!!
However I have yet to read #TheThirdKingdom - http://instagram.com/p/oAQGHGGoGy/
Both are Richard and Kahlan Novels - they are my favorite characters ....I do Love Wizard Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander and Cara!
So I really have a lot of reading to catch up on....
I will write more when I start reading Terry Goodkind again - next week or so!
For more info and more Terry Goodkind go to
Happy Summer Reading!! :)
Summer time,
Terry Goodkind
Philippa Gregory - Tudor Series Summer Read
So Far out of the Philippa Gregory -
Tudor Series -
I have read the Following...
The Constant Princess - http://instagram.com/p/n9iTt2moE6/
This Book was Amazing - and is a Must Read for any Philippa Gregory Fan!
I had always wondered what Katherine of Aragon - First and Rightful Queen of England
life was like... she was so strong in her Believes and the " Lie " if she did indeed consummate her marriage to Prince Arthur is still on everyone's mind even to today is insane in a way...
Her Life was EVERYONES business but she was helpless to stop King Henry from abandoning her to die....
Sad story and yet so honest , raw emotions...
The Other Boleyn Girl - http://instagram.com/p/oUcRa1GoKS/
I had read before when I was maybe 15years old....soo maybe 12years ago -lol ugh
Anyways......so reading this Book again and watching the movie afterwards was so Fun for me!
The Book is Wonderfully written like everything Philippa Gregory! ;)
However my Favorite part of it was that it was written from the view point of Mary Boleyn who was rarely mentioned in History - in General really....
So sad how her life as well as her siblings Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn were all used to climb to the top of the "Royal Ladder" ... Anne Boleyn was used and so she did her part and more ... and who could really blame her when her parents and family were all for this and whatever else they had to do...Anne was doing her best to stay alive in a mans world....
I think I will write more about Anne, Mary and George because these Children were tossed like chew toys into a Dog eat Dog world of Men and Spy's.. so they did they best they could do with what they were shown and given....
Btw- the Movie is really Good but get your tissues ready!!!
I Love Natalie Portman as Anne Boleyn and Scarlett Johansson was a pretty good Mary Boleyn!
So now I am on the Book
The Boleyn Inheritance - http://instagram.com/p/ow8wWWmoFo/
Where King Henry sends for this painter to paint girls from all over ...so that he may choose himself a New Bride...some girls are eager to fill the Dead Queen - Jane Seymour's shoes and some not so much!
NOTE: I think after this book I will jump to another book series for a min or month or so...lol
but I will always come back to Philippa Gregory - I Love Her writing and the Lives of these Brave young Women!
For more info on these Women & Philippa Gregory go to http://www.philippagregory.com/
Happy Reading! :)
Philippa Gregory,
Summer time
Monday, June 2, 2014
Stay out of the Heat and Craft for a Bit
So on my last post I mentioned it was HOTTT OUTSIDE and I need a break from that OKLAHOMA HEAT every so often...so I go to my craft room for some Crafty time!
Like I think Any Crafter?--- you have tons of un-finished projects or just want to start projects...
Helps when you find Awesome Paint colors, brushes, beads, leather -whatever your hobby or LOVE is and get on it....
soooo I found this Amazing Tribal Material at our local Hobby Lobby and fell in Love on the Spot when it was also on SALE!!!!! LOVE the word SALE!!!! IN RED!!! ;)
Ladies Get me I think! ;)
Anyhow-boy can I ramble.....
I have this Little Stool that means the world to me but it needed a little up-do from its old haggered material and it was sooooo outdated ....
this is the out come
(Just grab some sweet material that you know you will LOVE & Run with it!!
plus I had plenty of extra material to make a
Head Piece!
You can sew or Hott Clue this Bad boy together.(like a extra long hot dog) ...a button sewn at the end a whallla all done..or not totally up to you! I like to do it Bandanna style! :) just tie up your Hair and you ready to hit the town!
My Fav so far! :)
Hope your Crafting Bones are inspired to go find a unique something and make it your own!
You Can Always Make Something out of Nothing!!!
Happy Crafting, Fellow Doers!!! :)
Like I think Any Crafter?--- you have tons of un-finished projects or just want to start projects...
Helps when you find Awesome Paint colors, brushes, beads, leather -whatever your hobby or LOVE is and get on it....
soooo I found this Amazing Tribal Material at our local Hobby Lobby and fell in Love on the Spot when it was also on SALE!!!!! LOVE the word SALE!!!! IN RED!!! ;)
Ladies Get me I think! ;)
Anyhow-boy can I ramble.....
I have this Little Stool that means the world to me but it needed a little up-do from its old haggered material and it was sooooo outdated ....
this is the out come
(Just grab some sweet material that you know you will LOVE & Run with it!!
plus I had plenty of extra material to make a
Head Piece!
You can sew or Hott Clue this Bad boy together.(like a extra long hot dog) ...a button sewn at the end a whallla all done..or not totally up to you! I like to do it Bandanna style! :) just tie up your Hair and you ready to hit the town!
My Fav so far! :)
Hope your Crafting Bones are inspired to go find a unique something and make it your own!
You Can Always Make Something out of Nothing!!!
Happy Crafting, Fellow Doers!!! :)
Oklahoma Farm Days
Go Play Outside! :)
Days are Hott and Looong!
Howdy Folks, Feels like Forever since I was last on here typing a way at the Computer!
Outside all Day now- Been Busier than Ever!
We got 6 New Baby Chicks
and 5 Baby Turkeys ...
Love that little guy!!! Soo cute!! I cant get over it! ;)
But all these guys make me smile and laugh so much!!!
However, that plus the Growing Garden and all the Up- keep in the Greenhouse is making for a non-stop day of activity! Thankful for all the Work! :)
I do Love Busy Days! Makes for a Good Summer Days!
Being a Self proclaimed Texan/Oklahoman....since I lived in Texas for at least 11-years out of my life....
I am quite used to the Heat -but this OKLAHOMA HEAT has been Killer so don't forget to keep Hydrated and your planted watered a bit more! ;)
PLANTS are really feeling the Heat!
This Lavender Loves it! But it still needs lots of water to survive and thrive on ward.......I mention all this cause I killed one here recently ...due to forgetting to water it! :(
That pic makes me smile that it is doing so well- so far! ;)
Got a lot more Harvest now - I think Thanks to all the Rain and Sun of late! :)
and berries
and Gourmet Blend of Lettuce is sooo yummy, crunchy and crisp!!!
I hope yall are having good luck with your Garden as well!
I truly believe that if you put a lot of Love and Work into the Garden you will get a Sweet Harvest as a Reward!
NEVER GIVE UP! We all Fail - we just have to take it as learning and hope for better results next time! You never know what you get if you only TRY! :)
Happy Gardening Yall!!! :)
Hope Yall Have a Happy Monday!!!
Go Play Outside! :)
Days are Hott and Looong!
Howdy Folks, Feels like Forever since I was last on here typing a way at the Computer!
Outside all Day now- Been Busier than Ever!
We got 6 New Baby Chicks
and 5 Baby Turkeys ...
Love that little guy!!! Soo cute!! I cant get over it! ;)
But all these guys make me smile and laugh so much!!!
However, that plus the Growing Garden and all the Up- keep in the Greenhouse is making for a non-stop day of activity! Thankful for all the Work! :)
I do Love Busy Days! Makes for a Good Summer Days!
Being a Self proclaimed Texan/Oklahoman....since I lived in Texas for at least 11-years out of my life....
I am quite used to the Heat -but this OKLAHOMA HEAT has been Killer so don't forget to keep Hydrated and your planted watered a bit more! ;)
PLANTS are really feeling the Heat!
This Lavender Loves it! But it still needs lots of water to survive and thrive on ward.......I mention all this cause I killed one here recently ...due to forgetting to water it! :(
That pic makes me smile that it is doing so well- so far! ;)
Got a lot more Harvest now - I think Thanks to all the Rain and Sun of late! :)
and berries
and Gourmet Blend of Lettuce is sooo yummy, crunchy and crisp!!!
I hope yall are having good luck with your Garden as well!
I truly believe that if you put a lot of Love and Work into the Garden you will get a Sweet Harvest as a Reward!
NEVER GIVE UP! We all Fail - we just have to take it as learning and hope for better results next time! You never know what you get if you only TRY! :)
Happy Gardening Yall!!! :)
Hope Yall Have a Happy Monday!!!
Summer time,
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I'm still a little "Old-Fashioned" ,can you tell ?!
Lol- Even though I have a Blog, Share Pics on Instagram and Tweeet away on Twitter.....
That does not mean I don't still Love the Smell of an Old Library Book!
Remember that Scene in Sex in the City (Yes, BIG FAN! ;) where Carrie is in Bed with Big READING a Book of Poems (Tell me if you remember that! Must re-watch them... yup, I have almost every season -lol) anyhow the smell of the pages ...texture...lol..soo glad that Library's and Bookstores are around....not sure what I would do with out a good Magazine or Book!!!
Now I Love Computers and my phone however growing up I did not have a TV sooooo.....Books, Mags, Radio, Libraries,Bookstores were my Life! Still to this Day!
I LOVE A GOOD BOOKSTORE!!! MY FAV IS HALF PRICE BOOKS!!! I am in no means a sponsor for them- I JUST LOVE THEM!!! GREAT SERVICE!! THEY DELIVER!!! GREAT PRICES!!! I could go on and on....lol
Purchased this Great Book SUGARCRAFT on How to Make Amazing Looking Cakes and Cupcakes!! Love it!!
On Another Note:
As a Stay at Home Mom of a Toddler - I am always looking for things for us to do and etc...
Sooo the Metro Family Magazine is Perfect for Oklahoma Family's to get connected to OKC Family Fun and Activities going on in the Metro!!
This Month they have to Pages of COUPONS for Places around the Metro -such as Museums and the Oklahoma Aquarium!! Plus they don't expire til 4/30/15
Must Check it out if you Live or want to travel to our Great State of Oklahoma!!
I get mine at my Local Library! Happy Reading Yall! :)
That does not mean I don't still Love the Smell of an Old Library Book!
Remember that Scene in Sex in the City (Yes, BIG FAN! ;) where Carrie is in Bed with Big READING a Book of Poems (Tell me if you remember that! Must re-watch them... yup, I have almost every season -lol) anyhow the smell of the pages ...texture...lol..soo glad that Library's and Bookstores are around....not sure what I would do with out a good Magazine or Book!!!
Now I Love Computers and my phone however growing up I did not have a TV sooooo.....Books, Mags, Radio, Libraries,Bookstores were my Life! Still to this Day!
I LOVE A GOOD BOOKSTORE!!! MY FAV IS HALF PRICE BOOKS!!! I am in no means a sponsor for them- I JUST LOVE THEM!!! GREAT SERVICE!! THEY DELIVER!!! GREAT PRICES!!! I could go on and on....lol
Purchased this Great Book SUGARCRAFT on How to Make Amazing Looking Cakes and Cupcakes!! Love it!!
On Another Note:
As a Stay at Home Mom of a Toddler - I am always looking for things for us to do and etc...
Sooo the Metro Family Magazine is Perfect for Oklahoma Family's to get connected to OKC Family Fun and Activities going on in the Metro!!
This Month they have to Pages of COUPONS for Places around the Metro -such as Museums and the Oklahoma Aquarium!! Plus they don't expire til 4/30/15
Must Check it out if you Live or want to travel to our Great State of Oklahoma!!
I get mine at my Local Library! Happy Reading Yall! :)
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Gardening is Cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes
Saw this quote on Pinterest and had to make it into a sign...lol
Makes me giggle~
I Love Gardening and have always been around a gardener( my grandmother) and a farmer (my grandfather)...and did some home landscaping to earn extra cash in high school besides babysitting! :)
When I married my Husband I had to learn how to grow plants on Oklahoma Red Clay and Land that had not been touched in years...
Gardening and Landscaping for 6+years now and all the labor is finally paying off! ;)
Things are Blooming Non-Stop now and its super exciting!
Huckleberry Plant
and some Sweet Basil I grew from seed in the Greenhouse. :)
My Daughter and I planted a couple a few weeks ago and those onions are coming out great!
I am soo Thankful for the Energy to move around in the Garden and Greenhouse...
I call it Garden Fitness! ;)
Here is a bit of Garden Journal info....
2-New Tomato Plants grown from seed are moved from shell to a actual pot.
1- New Green Pepper plant
Happy Gardening! :)
Monday, May 12, 2014
To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow - Audrey Hepburn
Harvest this weekend was Successful!
(Strawberry Patch Pic)
About 20 Strawberries for the 1st Big Harvest!
Strawberries are soo plentiful this MAy! :)
Sooo Exciting!!
Then 4 Radishes of Different Sizes!
This was super exciting for me since my hubby LOVES Radishes and they were for especially for Him...
However afterI washed them -
I ofcourse forgot to put them in the fridge to stay cool....
soo they died...
OOOoo Well , that just how things happen sometimes...
that is why I am so glad I atleast took a Pic. before hand.
Hope Yall Have a Good Monday! :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Chicken Love
The "Baby Chicks" are no longer able to fit in their little home...Growing up is Hard to do - These Chickens were moved out to make room for 5 NEW TURKEY BABYS (PICS COMING SOON!!!)
Here are some Pics of them in the first hour in the great outdoors!
They are not used to weather changes and fresh dirt under their claws....but they are Happy!
I Love Chickens!! Roosters not soo much- lately I have been battling with a mean Rooster name Kayne...he keeps pecking the hens and not allowing them to eat and etc...
This Abuse can also Stress the Hens out and they will not produce like normal...Kayne prob. will not last long in my coops!
I Love My Birds!!! Looking forward to showing yall my Turkeys!! ;)
Here are some Pics of them in the first hour in the great outdoors!
They are not used to weather changes and fresh dirt under their claws....but they are Happy!
I Love Chickens!! Roosters not soo much- lately I have been battling with a mean Rooster name Kayne...he keeps pecking the hens and not allowing them to eat and etc...
This Abuse can also Stress the Hens out and they will not produce like normal...Kayne prob. will not last long in my coops!
I Love My Birds!!! Looking forward to showing yall my Turkeys!! ;)
Snakes near the Garden
Big Surprise the other Day -Orange colored Snake
that was found near the Garden....not a Snake person at all!!! I did flip a bit but kept calm...
had to use my inner indi to get close enuff to take the pic ....any ideas on what kind of Snake it is???
Almost 1-2 Days later 2 more little baby Snakes were near the Straw bale Garden -I am about to Start More pics later....
However I do have some Nice Spinach Growing - I Started these from seeds and in eggshells...
and Did a little Wood work -
that was found near the Garden....not a Snake person at all!!! I did flip a bit but kept calm...
Almost 1-2 Days later 2 more little baby Snakes were near the Straw bale Garden -I am about to Start More pics later....
However I do have some Nice Spinach Growing - I Started these from seeds and in eggshells...
and Did a little Wood work -
Tudor Court Book List
Tudor Court Book List
The Constant Princess
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Boleyn Inheritance
The Queen's Fool
The Virgin Lover
The Other Queen
I cannot wait to read these Books! I have only read The Other Boleyn Girl + seen the Movie!
For more info. and etc go to :
Philippa Gregory Cousins War Series Pt. 2
Just Finished Reading/Listening to The White Princess by Philippa Gregory
And Loved it soo Much! Really forces me to do some research on the Boys in the Tower of London....sooo sad that no one -not even Elizabeth of York knew what really happen to those boys...
I do believe that Elizabeth of Woodville did not hand over both sons to Richard III....
Plus many historians believe that one prince did actually survived ...no one knows for sure even now.....how awful and sad ... so was that young man claiming to be Prince Richard and confessed to being Perkin Warbeck Really> was he really the York Prince or a Pretender? Either way both "the boy" and the Earl of Warwick were murdered because King Henry VII was sooooo scared of these two threats and had to have them removed for what he thought at the time would be peace of mind...
But he must have know that what he did was MURDER 2 INOCCENT YOUNG Boys for his own Success in the Future!
I will write more when I do a bit more research
plus I am about to start the
Starting with the Following:
The Constant Princess
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Boleyn Inheritance
The Queen's Fool
The Virgin Lover
The Other Queen
If you want to do some Research or need a Great Book List here is #PhilippaGregorys website!
And Loved it soo Much! Really forces me to do some research on the Boys in the Tower of London....sooo sad that no one -not even Elizabeth of York knew what really happen to those boys...
I do believe that Elizabeth of Woodville did not hand over both sons to Richard III....
Plus many historians believe that one prince did actually survived ...no one knows for sure even now.....how awful and sad ... so was that young man claiming to be Prince Richard and confessed to being Perkin Warbeck Really> was he really the York Prince or a Pretender? Either way both "the boy" and the Earl of Warwick were murdered because King Henry VII was sooooo scared of these two threats and had to have them removed for what he thought at the time would be peace of mind...
But he must have know that what he did was MURDER 2 INOCCENT YOUNG Boys for his own Success in the Future!
I will write more when I do a bit more research
plus I am about to start the
Starting with the Following:
The Constant Princess
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Boleyn Inheritance
The Queen's Fool
The Virgin Lover
The Other Queen
If you want to do some Research or need a Great Book List here is #PhilippaGregorys website!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
My 2014 Summer Movie List
Or at Least this is the - 50 Summer Movies We Cant wait to watch
by : Entertainment Weekly!
Out of this List I want to watch the
* The AMAZING Spider-Man 2!!!
Coming soon- May 2nd
* Belle (May 2nd)
* Neighbors (May 9)
* Godzilla (May 16)
Loved the old one by looking forward to this one!!!!
Sooo Exciting!!!
* X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23)
I am a BIG X-MEN Fan - so I could not be happier!!!!
Been waiting for this for a bit!!
* Blended (May 23)
w/my favs Drew Berrymore & Adam Sandler!!!
They have not been together in a while....great date nite movie with the hub!!
* Maleficent (May 30)
W/ Amazing Angelina Jolie!!! Sleeping Beauty being brought to life is a Dream come true!!!
Thank You Disney!!!
* A Million Ways to Die in the West (May 30)
By: Seth McFarlane
with an Awesome cast for example-
Amanda Seyfried & Charlize Theron
Neil Patrick Harris, Liam Neeson
* 22 Jumpstreet (June 13)
(have not watched the 1st yet)
* How to train your Dragon 2 ( June 13)
(must watch the 1st one first-lol)
* Think like a Man too (June 20)
* They Came Together (June 27)
With Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd who I love! So a Must watch!
* Tammy (July 2)
Has Mellissa McCarthy so a Must watch! She is such a Great Actress!!!
Love Every Movie she's been in!
* Wish I Was Here (July 18)
* Sex Tape (July 25)
* Hercules (July 25)
* Guardians of the Galaxy (Aug. 1)
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Aug. 8)
* Let's Be Cops (Aug. 13)
* The Giver (Aug. 15)
* The Expendables 3 (Aug. 15)
* Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (Aug. 22)
I Love Sin City!!!
What are you Ready to watch this Summer ?!!
My Spring Cookbook List
Read thru a Nice Collection of Cookbooks this Spring- some Library books and some I purchased.
Here is the List of Books...I suggest you read :)
Spring Cookbook List
The Smitten Kitchen by: Deb Perelman
Big Book of Cupcakes by: Jan Moon
The Fresh Honey Cookbook by: Laurey Masterton
Root to Stalk Cooking by: Tara Duggan
The Fresh Egg Cookbook by: Jennifer Trainer Thompson
Fresh Eggs Daily by: Lisa Steele
Weeknight Fresh + Fast by: Williams Sonoma
( I suggest that any stay at home Mom or Dad gets this one!!)
The Working Class Foodies Cookbook by: Rebecca Lando
Chicken & Egg by: Janice Cole
Stuffed by: Dan Walden
1-pic from book http://instagram.com/p/ld1qFNGoIU/
meat wrapped corn on the Cob
Cherry Pie Stuffed Chocolate Cake #stuffedcookbook #SuperSweetEats!!!
Easy as Pie Pops by: Andrea Smetona
Happy Reading!! :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Gardening Tool & Signage
Sooo I got this New Tool here recently...
it's called Sprayman Green Mister
it's called Sprayman Green Mister
it was only 10 dollars at Lowes...
I did look on the Lowes website but did not find it...
I did look on the Lowes website but did not find it...
I am not promoting anything or anyone ...just for the Garden/ tool shed of fun!
And I LoVe GardeN Tools!!! ;)
This Tool holds more than the Reg. Water bottle plus it has a hole to where you can re-fill without opening up the top...its great til you tip it over flooding your plants a bit...Im not going to lie - it really did take me a while to get used to it....
the way it is in the instagram pic is how I hold it most of the time....
Up to you if you want to spend the $$ the spray nozzle on it works soooooo GOOD!!!
I believe it was worth the 10bucks for the nozzle and how much water it holds.
Did a little signage as well for my Spinach & Zucchini plants..
Nite Yall! :)
Philippa Gregory Cousins' War Series pt. 1
The first Philippa Gregory Book I read was
* The other Boleyn Girl but that was at least 10 years ago...
plus I missed a lot of Good Reading..
so I am putting a hold on Terry Goodkind books for a Min.
(since I only have 2 books let to read) I know, im weird that way---- lol
so I am putting a hold on Terry Goodkind books for a Min.
(since I only have 2 books let to read) I know, im weird that way---- lol
So now Im doing Cousin War Research / Reading thru all the Books!
My Kinda Summer Reading Program! :)
BTW- I am joining the adult Reading Program at the Public Library.
Okay here is
The Cousins War Series Book List
The Woman of the Cousins War
The Lady of the Rivers
Red Queen
The White Queen
The Kingmaker's Daughter
The White Princess
(this book is suppose to be the End of the Cousins War)
I am in the middle of The Kingmaker's Daughter & The White Princess will be next then on to
* The Tudor Novels. This is Part 1 - mainly Book info and etc... sooo I will post pt.2 when I finish the last 2 books I will post a full summary -Research and more! :)
Here's her website that also helps in any of her book research - http://www.philippagregory.com
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